Reference : Attribute types
Attribute types
The elements in a module are associated with a number of attributes. An attribute has a type, name, comment, and value. To see the description of an attribute, move the mouse pointer over the attribute name.
All of the elements in a module share the same set of attributes, but their values might differ. Each module has a set of mandatory attributes: see Mandatory attributes.
The History log contains historical data related to user login, user access, and changes to attributes, and elements: see History logging for attributes.
The Integration link establishes links from elements (resources) of Focal Point to one or more resources that are in a different OSLC application.
Set to either selected (displayed as “Yes”) or cleared (displayed as “No”)
Select from a set of predefined values.
Contains a date value; for example, 2007-11-30.
Stores documents and images.
Contains a numerical value with a decimal point, that is numbers that contain a fractional part such as 3.14.
Consists of a title, color, and an expand or collapse control, and is used for layout purposes.
Displays the change log for an attribute in a graph or table, or for an element in a table.
Lists the elements that link to an element.
Displays the color, text, and icon based on threshold value.
Contains a whole number (-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807).
Contains a reference to another element, in any module in any workspace.
A collection of either text or link attributes.
A check box attribute.
A grid that contains cells. The cells can be empty or can contain text, a number, or an expression.
Contains a copied value from another attribute value. Mirror attributes cannot be edited.
Select the attribute value from a set of predefined values.
A special purpose attribute that can be added only to the Members module. Purposes of this attribute is to allow members to inherit from multiple roles.
By default, Member module will not have a Roles attribute. You can always configure the attribute set up of member module to have only one Roles attribute.
Used to tag an element. Attributes can hold tag key words in a comma-separted format.
Contains textual information.
Used in financial planning. For example, you can use it to calculate costs and revenue for a business case.
Similar to the text attribute; the difference is that the values in a unique ID attribute are unique.
Contains either a web link or an email address.
Tracks the different versions of an element.
Related topics
Configuring attributes
Text attribute settings
Text tags for date and time
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