Managing products and portfolios : Configuring views : Filtering views : Editing filters
Editing filters
You can edit the attributes of a filter. You can copy or delete a filter.
About this task
An administrator might have defined global filters. Only the administrator can edit the global filters. To hide a global filter, clear the Visible in filter check box.
1 Open the view, click Filter Filter. The filters on the selected view are listed.
2 To edit a filter, click the corresponding Edit icon.
3 Make the required changes,, and then click OK. The updated filter is now active.
What to do next
Do this
copy a filter
Click the Copy Copy filter icon icon. The list of filters is now updated with a copy of the selected filter.
Use Copy filter to share a filter with a user or a group of users, for them to retain the filter as it is or to customize the filter according to their requirement.
share a filter
Click Share filter icon.
You can specify the workspace members with whom the filter is to be shared.
delete a filter
Click the Delete icon.
deactivate a filter
Select No Filter
No filter
You can also reactivate defined filters.
Copying a filter: Example
For example, a filter that lists out the requirements to be addressed in a particular product release can be copied and shared with all the developers. If required, a developer can customize this filter to list only the requirements of interest. Copying filters need not be based on the user role. The filter is copied to the list of user's private filters. Like any other private filter, copied filters can be modified by the user. Other users cannot view the changes that a user has made to the filter. If a new user is added to the view, the filter is not automatically copied to the new user. To copy a filter to the new user, the filter must be shared by using the Copy filter option.
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Filtering views