Managing products and portfolios : Financial planning using time grid attribute : Working with the time grid editor : Comparing time grid sheets
Comparing time grid sheets
You can compare information from time grid sheets that are in the same attribute by displaying the differences in a comparison sheet. When you compare sheets, a comparison tab is added. You can click the compare tab to view a previous comparison even after you move to a new sheet. The information in comparison sheets is read-only.
1 In a Display view, click the element and the link to the sheet.
2 Click Menu > Compare.
A window opens in which you can specify the comparison settings.
3 Specify the comparison settings.
Select Compare mode.
To display the information from the original sheets in the comparison sheet, select Show both sheets.
From Compare to sheet, select the sheet to compare.
The comparison of the sheets are based on the dates and not the column number. If the time span of one sheet is different than the one to which it is compared, the value of zero is used for the differential time span. For example, if sheet A has time span of January 2011 to December 2011 and sheet B has a time span of July 2011 to June 2012, the time span of January 2011 in sheet A is compared with January 2011 in sheet B. If value for January 2011 in sheet A is 10, then the value of 0 is used for January 2011 in sheet B because the timespan of sheet B starts only from July 2011. The value of 10 from sheet A is compared to value of 0 in Sheet B.
Optional: To compare to a sheet in another element, click Change element and search for the element.
4 Click OK.
A comparison sheet is added to the original sheets in the attribute.
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