Managing products and portfolios : Investment analysis : Configuring a time grid for investment analysis
Configuring a time grid for investment analysis
Configure the time grid with separate sheets to store the low, likely, and high estimates. Focal Point 6.5.2 supports additional settings in the time grid setup. These settings are used when creating new elements.
Before you begin
Ensure that you have created a module. See Adding a module.
About this task
The rows of the time grid store the estimates for the costs, benefits, and variables of the model. You must determine the costs, benefits, and variables that your model requires and add a row to the time grid for each stream.
1 Click the Settings icon Settings icon, and then, from the Configure group, click Attributes. In the module, click Time Grid from the attribute list.
2 Provide a name, alias and description for the attribute. The alias of the time grid attribute will be used later as a prefix when configuring the alias of the attributes that are used to retrieve the investment analysis results.
3 Select Allow Investment Analysis.
4 Add the sheets to store the high, likely, low, and actual value estimates.
Click Add Sheet.
For each sheet, set the appropriate scenario type: High, Likely, Low, and Actual.
Note All of these sheets must have the same time interval, start date, and end date.
5 Click Add Row and add a row for each cost, benefit, or variable in your model.
6 Indicate if a row represents a cost, benefit, or variable stream by selecting [...] or neither for variable. For example, add a row for cost streams such as Development, and License, and select the Cost flag.
7 In the Unit field, specify units for your cost, benefit, and variable stream.
Note All cost streams must have the same units. The benefits can be monetary or non-monetary. But the monetary benefit must have the same unit as that of the cost.
8 Select the display type and time interval.
9 Optional: Select Log Changes to log your changes.
10 Click OK.
What to do next
Configure the attributes for NPV, ROI, IRR and Payback period. These attributes are used to retrieve the financial analysis result. See Attributes for retrieving financial model results.
Related topics
Entering data estimates by using basic calculator features
Financial model parameters
Attributes for retrieving financial model results
Metrics and formulas for investment analysis
Time grid
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Investment analysis