Managing products and portfolios : Investment analysis : Financial model parameters
Financial model parameters
For each financial model, you can adjust the cost and benefit scale, start and end dates, and cost, benefit and variable streams.
Adjusting cost and benefit scale (vertical axis)
On the grid, the vertical axis represents the unit for cost and benefit. To change the range, at the top or bottom of the vertical axis, enter a value in the text field. If Show all curves is selected, you cannot change the range. If this value is too small to scale a model, the value resets to the smallest value that fits that model.
Adjusting start and end dates (horizontal axis)
You cannot adjust start and end dates. Open the time grid sheets for the project and in the time grid attribute, edit the start and end dates.
Creating additional streams
Create additional cost, benefit, and variable streams by using Menu > Add Stream. A row in time grid indicates a stream in Investment analysis. You can delete or rename an additional stream from time grid but not from Investment analysis.
Changing the delivery date
Change the delivery date by using the blue arrow on the horizontal axis on the grid. The date defaults to End date and the period for the selected date is calculated when the date is changed.
Showing all the curves
The curves for the currently selected cost, benefit, non-monetary or variable stream are displayed in the grid by default. Select Show all curves to display all the streams with the same unit. If the currently selected stream is a cost stream, all the cost and benefit streams are displayed, because both the cost and the benefit stream has the same unit. But, if the currently selected stream is a non-monetary benefit or a variable stream, the curves for the cost and benefit streams are not displayed. You can adjust the values for only the currently selected curve.
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Configuring a time grid for investment analysis
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Investment analysis