Managing products and portfolios : Managing elements : Displaying elements : Change history and changed values of attributes and elements
Change history and changed values of attributes and elements
You can see how the attribute value has changed over time. For each change, the new attribute value, the time of the change, and the user who made the change are displayed. You can see the number of elements whose attribute value has changed and the average time that the change took. You can see the total time that an element held a certain attribute value. You can also see a History graph, for all of the choice attribute values that were distributed over time for all of the elements in a view. See the following topics:
Analysis of attribute changes over time
Analysis of number of choice attribute changes
Time/Value analysis of an element
History graph analysis of choice attribute
Analysis of attribute changes over time
To see how an element has changed over time, click the Display how the value of a choice attribute has changed over time icon.
How an element has changed over time
In this example, the status of the New feature element was set to Proposed for John on Nov. 8, 2001, by John Smith, and later that day was changed to Done by Jim Lee.
Analysis of number of choice attribute changes
To view the changes, from Display, select a view, and then click the Display how the value of a choice attribute has changed over time icon. In the bottom frame, from the Type list, select Number of Changes.
Display how the value of a choice attribute has changed over time
In this example, the value of the Status attribute has changed from Proposed to Rejected nine times, and seven other elements have also made this transition. On average, it takes a little longer than a day to reject a proposal that does not meet a certain criteria.
The status for two of the elements is changed from Proposed to Rejected twice. This was possible because the status of these two elements was earlier changed from Rejected to Proposed.
To specify whether the Average Time column displays the number of days or number of hours, select a choice from the Perspective list in the bottom frame.
To display the elements, click the links in the Number of Elements column.
Time/Value analysis of an element
In Display, select a view, and then click the Display how the value of a choice attribute has changed over time icon. In the bottom frame, from the Type list, select Time/Value. The first part of the frame displays the hours that each element has had each attribute value.
The second part of the frame lists three values for each choice attribute value:
Choice attribute values
Total Time: The total time that the elements had the attribute value; that is, the sum of the values in the status column
Average Time (All Elements): The total time divided by the number of elements in the view
Average Time: The total time divided by the number of elements in the view that had the attribute value
To display the results in days or hours, select a choice from the Perspective list.
If all elements in the view had the same attribute value, the Average Time (All Elements) and Average Time are the same.
History graph analysis of choice attribute
To open a history graph, in Display, select a view, and then click the Display how the value of a choice attribute has changed over time icon. In the bottom frame, from the Type list, select History Graph.
The X-axis shows time; the Y-axis shows the number of elements. The black line indicates the total number of elements, and the colored areas indicate the number of elements that had a certain choice value. In the following example, light blue indicates verified bugs and orange indicates fixed but not verified bugs.
History graph
The total number of bugs increases almost constantly. Between positions A and B, the developers fix several bugs, and the height of the orange area increases. Between B and C, they verify that the bugs were handled correctly, and the orange area is replaced by light blue.
The white area below the black line indicates that some of the elements are created when changes are not logged, or that some of the elements had a choice attribute value that was removed.
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Displaying elements