Managing products and portfolios : Setting up and generating reports workflow : Report templates
Report templates
Report templates are used to build report types and reports. The template is an XML string that determines the characteristics of the report.
Note The XML parser is case sensitive.
An XML document consists of tags that contain the following information:
0, 1, 2, ... attributes
0, 1, 2, ... tags
0 or 1 text
If tags contain text, they cannot contain any other tags and vice versa.
All Focal Point tags have the fp prefix:
<fp:tag attribute1="Attribute 1's value" attribute2="Attribute 2's value">
  <fp:tag1 attribute1="Attribute 1's value" />
The tags contain mandatory and optional attributes. If an optional tag is not updated, a default value is used. You can find information about the default values in the tag explanations. Only the attributes, tags, and texts that are specified in the explanations is used in the tags.
Report structure
Report settings
Report components
Simple components
Chart components
Display components
Prioritize components
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Setting up and generating reports workflow