Managing products and portfolios : Setting up and generating reports workflow : Report templates : Display components
Display components
You can use tags and attributes to change the display components in a report template.
Presents the statistics for one attribute. The information in the user interface and in the reports might differ. For example, the user interface uses both bars and numbers, but the reports use numbers only.
This component has the common attributes, the common tags, and these specific tags:
A mandatory tag of type attrParam that has the attribute that the statistics are made for. The masterid for the attrParam is the ID of the viewParam named viewId.
A mandatory tag of type viewParam that contains a view ID.
An optional tag of type attrParam (type="numbertext") that has the attribute that is used as the Sum attribute. The masterid for the attrParam is the ID of the viewParam named viewId. The default setting is to not use a sum criterion. Instead, the number of elements is counted.
An optional tag of type critParam that has the criterion that is used as Sum criterion. The masterid for the critParam is the ID of the viewParam named viewId. The default setting is to not use the sum criterion, but to count the number of elements instead.
An optional tag of type checkboxParam that determines if the titles of the elements must be listed explicitly. If the value is true, sumAttrId and sumCritId are ignored. If the value is false, the titles are not displayed, and either the number of elements or the sum of an attribute or a criterion is displayed. The default value is false.
An optional tag of type attrParam that has the attribute that is used when attribute values are gathered. The masterid for the attrParam is the ID of the viewParam named viewId. The default setting is to not gather attribute values; instead, the number of elements are counted.
<fp:attrstat1d descr="Attribute Statistics for one attribute" >
  <fp:viewParam changeable="template" id="101" name="viewId"
                descr="The view" />
  <fp:attrParam changeable="template" id="102" name="attrId"
                masterid="101" descr="The attribute" />
  <fp:attrParam changeable="template" id="103" name="sumAttrId"
                masterid="101" type="numbertext"
                descr="The sum attribute" />
  <fp:checkboxParam changeable="runtime" id="104"
                descr="Click here to list the titles of the
                       elements" defaultvalue="true" />
Presents the statistics for two attributes. The information in the user interface and in the reports might differ.
This component has the common attributes, the common tags, and these specific attributes and tags:
An optional attribute that determines the width of the first column, which contains the element titles. For more information, see fp:defaultattrstat2dfirstcolumnwidth and fp:defaultattrstat2dlastcolumnwidth.
The default value is the value that is specified by fp:defaultattrstat2dfirstcolumnwidth. If fp:defaultattrstat2dfirstcolumnwidth is not used, the default value is 100.
An optional attribute that determines the width of the last column, which contains the row sums. For more information, see fp:defaultattrstat2dfirstcolumnwidth and fp:defaultattrstat2dlastcolumnwidth.
The default value is the value that is specified by fp:defaultattrstat2dlastcolumnwidth. If fp:defaultattrstat2dlastcolumnwidth is not used, the default value is 100.
A mandatory tag of type viewParam that contains a view ID.
A mandatory tag of type attrParam that specifies the attribute on the X axis that statistics are made for. The masterid for the attrParam is the ID of the viewParam named viewId.
A mandatory tag of type attrParam that specifies the attribute on the Y axis that statistics are made for. The masterid for the attrParam is the ID of the viewParam named viewId.
An optional tag of type checkboxParam that determines whether the titles of the elements are listed explicitly. If the value is true, sumAttrId and sumCritId are ignored. If the value is false, the titles are not displayed. Instead, either the number of elements or the sum of an attribute or a criterion is displayed.
An optional tag of type
An optional tag of type critParam that has the criterion that is used as Sum criterion. The masterid for the critParam is the ID of the viewParam named viewId.
The default value is to not use a sum criterion; instead, the number of elements is counted.
An optional tag of type attrParam that has the attribute that is used when attribute values are gathered. The masterid for the attrParam is the ID of the viewParam named viewId.
The default value is to not gather attribute values; instead, the number of elements is counted.
<<fp:attrstat2d descr="Attribute Statistics for two attribute" >
    firstcolumnwidth="200" lastcolumnwidth="50" >
  <fp:viewParam changeable="template" id="101" name="viewId"
      descr="The view" />
  <fp:attrParam changeable="template" id="102" name="xAttrId"
      masterid="101" descr="The attribute on the X axis" />
  <fp:attrParam changeable="template" id="103" name="yAttrId"
      masterid="101" descr="The attribute on the Y axis" />
  <fp:attrParam changeable="runtime" id="104" name="sumAttrId"
      masterid="101" descr="The sum criterion />
  <fp:checkboxParam changeable="runtime" id="105"
      descr="Click here to list the titles of the elements"
      defaultvalue="true" />
Presents the choice history of changes over time. In the user interface, you can choose either the detailed timeline or the Gantt Chart. In the reports, only the detailed timeline is available.
This component has the common attributes, the common tags, and these specific tags:
A mandatory tag of type attrParam, type="choice" that specifies the attribute that choice statistics are made for. The masterid for the attrParam is the ID of the viewParam named viewId.
A mandatory tag of type viewParam that contains a view ID.
<fp:choicehistory1 descr="Changes Over Time" > <fp:viewParam changeable="template" id="101" name="viewId" descr="The view" /> <fp:attrParam changeable="template" id="102" name="attrId" masterid="101" type="choice" descr="The attribute" /> </fp:choicehistory1>
Presents the choice history of the number of changes.
This component has the common attributes, the common tags, and these specific tags:
A mandatory tag of type attrParam, type="choice" that specifies the attribute that choice statistics are made for. The masterid for the attrParam is the ID of the viewParam named viewId.
A mandatory tag of type viewParam that contains a view ID.
An optional tag of type checkboxParam that determines whether the unit is displayed in number of days or number of hours. If the value is true, the number of days is displayed. If the value is false, the number of hours is displayed. The default value is false.
<fp:choicehistory2 descr="Number of Changes" >
  <fp:viewParam changeable="template" id="101" name="viewId" descr="The view" /> <fp:attrParam changeable="template" id="102" name="attrId" masterid="101" type="choice" descr="The attribute" /> <fp:checkboxParam changeable="template" id="103" name="displayDays" descr="Count number of days (not hours)" defaultvalue="false" /> </fp:choicehistory2>
Presents the choice history of Time/Value.
This component has the same attributes and tags as those of fp:choicehistory2.
<fp:choicehistory3 descr="Time/ Value" > <fp:viewParam changeable="template" id="101" name="viewId" descr="The view" /> <fp:attrParam changeable="template" id="102" name="attrId" masterid="101" type="choice" descr="The attribute" /> <fp:checkboxParam changeable="template" id="103" name="displayDays" descr="Count number of days (not hours)" defaultvalue="false" /> </fp:choicehistory3>
Presents the choice history for the history graph.
This component has the common attributes, the common tags, and these specific tags:
A mandatory tag of type attrParam, type="choice" that specifies the attribute that choice statistics are made for. The masterid for the attrParam is the ID of the viewParam named viewId.
A mandatory tag of type viewParam that contains a view ID.
An optional tag of type intParam that determines the size of the history graph:
0: Extra Small
1: Small
2: Medium (the default value)
3: Large
4: Extra Large
<fp:choicehistory4 descr="History Graph" > <fp:viewParam changeable="template" id="101" name="viewId" descr="The view" /> <fp:attrParam changeable="template" id="102" name="attrId" masterid="101" type="choice" descr="The attribute" /> <fp:intParam changeable="runtime" id="103" name="size" descr="The size of the graph (0-4)" defaultvalue="1" /> </fp:choicehistory4>
Presents all the attribute values of the elements in a table. If there are many attributes, the table is split into two or more smaller tables. In normal reports, the elements are sorted in tree order. In quick reports, the elements are sorted the same way as they are in the user interface.
Tags and attributes: This component has the common attributes, the common tags, and the following tags:
A mandatory tag of type viewParam that contains a view id.
attr_Title, attr_Prefix
An optional tag of type intParam that changes the width of the columns. For example, if the value of attr_Title is 150, the column that contains the Title attribute is wider than the normal width. The default value is 100.Note: Some columns, such as all the file attributes and large text attributes, are already wider than the default size. The values for the attr_*** intParam tags can be set only in the XML.
An optional tag of type checkboxParam that determines whether dimmed folders are presented in the report. The default value is true.
An optional tag of type intParam that determines the size of the table. The default value is 100.
<fp:table descr="Attribute table for a view" > <fp:viewParam changeable="template" id="101" name="viewId" descr="The view" /> <fp:checkboxParam changeable="runtime" id="102" name="includeDimmed" descr="Include dimmed folders" defaultvalue="false" /> <fp:intParam changeable="runtime" id="103" name="width" descr="The width of the table" defaultvalue="125" /> <fp:intParam changeable="never" id="104" name="attr_Prefix" descr="The width of the Prefix column" defaultvalue="50" /> <fp:intParam changeable="nevre" id="105" name="attr_Description" descr="The width of the Descripiton column" defaultvalue="200" /> </fp:table>
Presents all the links between two views. In the user interface, the links are presented as arrows in a Traceability Matrix, but in the report they are presented as a list.
Tags and attributes
This component has the common attributes, the common tags, and the following tags:
A mandatory tag that contains a view ID.
A mandatory tag that contains a view ID. yViewId might be the same as xViewId.
<fp:traceability descr="History Graph" > <fp:viewParam changeable="template" id="101" name="xViewId" descr="One of the views" /> <fp:viewParam changeable="template" id="102" name="yViewId" descr="The other view" /> </fp:traceability>
Presents all the elements and their attribute values in a tree structure. If the tree is inside a fp:chapter, it is a part of the table of contents, if one is generated. If a tree is placed directly under the fp:reporttemplate tag, the tree does not become part of the table of contents. You can place the tree in a hidden chapter.
Tags and attributes
This component has the common attributes, the common tags, and the following attributes and tags:
This optional attribute determines how the attribute names are printed. For more information, see fp:defaultattrnamestyle. The default value is the value that is specified by fp:defaultattrnamestyle. If fp:defaultattrnamestyle is not used, the default value is attrnamestyle="" (no extra attribute name style).
An optional attribute that hides or displays the top element in the tree. If the value is false, the top element is not hidden. The default value is false.
An optional attribute that specifies whether a new line is added before the headers in the fp:tree. For more details, see fp:defaultnlbeforetreefolders. If the value is false, new line is inserted before the headings. The default value is the value that is specified by fp:defaultnlbeforetreefolders. If fp:defaultnlbeforetreefolders is not used, the default value is false.
An optional attribute that determines whether the nodes (non-folders) or the folders are presented first. This attribute is applicable only if one or more folders in the tree contain nodes and folders. For more information, see fp:defaultnodesbeforefolders. If the value is false, the folders are listed first. The default value is the value that is specified by fp:defaultnodesbeforefolders. If fp:defaultnodesbeforefolders is not used, the default value is false.
A mandatory tag of type viewParam that contains a view ID.
An optional tag of type checkboxParam. If the value is false, the tree is presented as an actual tree. If the value is true, the elements in the tree are presented on the same level and the tree structure is ignored. The default value is false.
An optional tag of type checkboxParam that determines whether dimmed folders are included in the tree structure. The default value is true.
<fp:tree attrnamestyle="underline" hidetopelement="false" nodesbeforefolders="true" nlbeforetreefolders="false" descr="A tree view" > <fp:viewParam changeable="template" id="101" name="viewId" descr="The view" /> <fp:checkboxParam changeable="runtime" id="101" name="flat" descr="Click here to draw a flat tree" defaultvalue="false" /> <fp:checkboxParam changeable="runtime" id="103" name="includeDimmed" descr="Click here to Include dimmed folders" defaultvalue="false" /> </fp:tree>
Presents a list of the changes to the attributes that generate history.
Tags and attributes
This component has the common attributes, common tags, and the following tags:
A mandatory tag of type stringParam that determines the time period for which attribute changes are presented. One of the following values:
logout: Changes occurred since the last logout
2ndlogout: Changes occurred since the second to last logout
3rdlogout: Changes occurred since the third to last logout
0: Changes are less than 1 hour old
1: Changes are less than 8 hours old
2: Changes are less than 24 hours old
3: Changes are less than 1 week old
A mandatory tag of type viewParam that contains a view ID.
An optional tag of type attrParam that determines which changes to an attribute are presented. If the value is not set, all changes to an attribute are presented. The masterid for the tag is the ID of the viewParam named viewId. The default is to not set a value.
An optional tag of type memberParam that determines which changes to a member are presented. If the value is not set, all the changes to a member are presented. The default is to not set a value.
<fp:whatsnew descr="A list of recent changes"> <fp:stringParam changeable="template" id="101" name="scope" descr="Enter scope (logout, 0-3) /> <fp:viewParam changeable="template" id="102" name="viewId" descr="The view" /> <fp:attrParam changeable="template" id="103" name="attrId" masterid="102" descr="An attribute" /> <fp:memberParam changeable="runtime" id="106" name="memberId" descr="A member" /> </fp:whatsnew>
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