Managing products and portfolios : Setting up and generating reports workflow : Report templates : Report components : Parameter tags
Parameter tags
Components use parameters, such as view ID, string, and numbers, to add information to reports. These parameters are specified by using the fp:*Param tags. Every component has mandatory and optional tags. All parameter tags have attributes.
Parameter tags
Specifies an attribute. For example, Status in the Requirements module.
Contains a Boolean value of true or false.
Contains an integer value. For example:
(..., -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ....)
Specifies a member. For example:
Contains a string value.
Specifies a view. For example, "All requirements"
Parameter tags
A mandatory attribute that determines when the parameter is changed and that applies to all *Param tags. The attribute has these values:
Template: Changes when the report type is created or edited.
Runtime: Changes when the report is created.
Never: Cannot be changed and is used if a value is already known when the template is created. The value is read from the default value attribute.
Fetch: The value is fetched automatically. The value fetched is determined by the value of the “name” attribute:
currentdate: The current date.
currenttime: The current time.
currentuser: The user who is logged in.
fortune: A “fortune cookie”, which is new every time. This value is used if extra .jar files are added.
numpages: The number of pages in the report. This value is used in headers and footers.
workspacename: The name of the workspace.
pageno: The current page number. This value is used in headers and footers.
A mandatory attribute that specifies the ID of the parameter and that applies to all *Param tags. Every parameter has a unique ID. You can use the same ID for multiple parameters.
Only the first parameter is visible in the user interface. The other parameters copy their values from the first parameter. This convention is useful if the same information is displayed in multiple headers or if the same view is used in multiple components.
A mandatory attribute that specifies the name of the parameter and that applies to all *Param tags. In a component tag, the name is the unique identifier that is used when parameters are searched for. Common names are viewId, attrId, elementId, pageno.
The ID for the parameter that controls the parameter. This attribute is mandatory, but might not be used depending on the component. This attribute applies to attrParam. Typically, the master parameter is a viewParam. You must set the master parameter first or you cannot know which attributes or elements are available.
Determines the attribute type that is allowed for this parameter. This attribute is mandatory, but might not be used depending on the component. This attribute applies to attrParam. You can use the following type attributes:
choice: For choice attributes.
number: For integer and float attributes.
numbertext: For integer, float and matrix attributes
link: For link and link list attributes.
all: For all attribute types.
A parameter is set to defaultvalue the first time that the report type is created or edited, or the first time that the report is generated. This attribute is optional and applies to all *Param tags. The default value is an empty string:
The description of the parameter. This attribute is optional. The description is displayed when the report type is created or edited, or when the report is generated. The default is to not use a description:
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Report components