Managing products and portfolios : Setting up and generating reports workflow : Report templates : Chart components : fp:cells
The fp:cells component displays two or more fp:chart tags in a table. The component uses the common attributes and one mandatory attribute, cols. The cols attribute determines the number of columns and their sizes. The default value for cols is false.
The fp:cells tag must contain more than zero tags, and the number of tags must be a multiple of the number of columns specified by the cols attribute. For example, if you have three columns, the number of tags must be a number that is a multiple of three.
In this example, the table has three columns, and the middle column is wider than the other columns.
<fp:cells cols="30,40,30"
  <fp:chart ...    />
  <fp:chart ... />
  <fp:chart ... />
  <fp:chart ... />
  <fp:chart ... />
  <fp:chart ... />
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Chart components