Reference : Attribute types : Integration link
Integration link
An Integration link attribute is used to establish links from elements (resources) of Focal Point to one or more resources that are in a different OSLC application. Integration link attribute is the key for establishing Linked Data, on which OSLC based integrations of Focal Point are built.
The integration link attributes are used for establishing links using selection and creation delegated UI dialogs provided by an OSLC application. The attribute also supports previewing the linked resources through rich hover. OSLC View Commands, Rest View Commands, and XPathValueFetcher() of Focal Point primarily use integration link attributes for their operations.
Note In Focal Point 6.6.1 and later, integration link attributes cannot be defined at the global level. On upgrading to Focal Point 6.6.1, the integration link attributes that are defined at a global level in the previous releases must be redefined for specific workspaces.
Name and description
Note In Focal Point 6.6.1 and later, the Visual setting is replaced by the Value setting. You can configure the following links:
Allowed Service Providers: Select a service provider from the list of OSLC provider applications that are registered as valid friends in Focal Point. You might be prompted to log in to the application to select the project areas and the members who can create or select artifacts in the selected project areas.
This setting is not applicable for Focal Point 6.6.1 and later releases.
Allowed Back Link Types: Specifies the back link type that you want to add to the artifacts. The link types that you select are available to the users when they publish the elements to the OSLC applications
This setting is not applicable for Focal Point 6.6.1 and later.
Include Description: Includes a description of the element when you create an artifact in the OSLC application.
Change Log
You can configure the following link:
Log Changes: Creates history logs for each change of the attribute value. This setting is a prerequisite for enabling the view command for restoring links.
You can configure the following links:
Property URI:
Focal Point 6.6.1 and later: You can configure the Property URI by specifying a workspace association for it. The integration link attribute uses the property URI of the link type used by the selected workspace association. For details, see Association link types and Adding workspace association.
Focal Point 6.6 and earlier: Provide a unique URI to the integration link attribute. This URI is considered as the predicate for the integration link attribute while generating the RDF representation of the elements of Focal Point.
Alias: Specify the alias when you integrate with other tools.
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Attribute types