Reference : Attribute types : Indicator
Use an indicator attribute to display the color, text, and icon based on threshold value. It is a read-only attribute and is associated with an integer or float attribute. It can be used as icon and color attribute of a module.The indicator attribute is similar to a Traffic Light business rule, with these exceptions:
There is no limit on the number of thresholds in an indicator.
Color and icon of the indicator can be configured.
The indicator attribute can also be used to configure the color of bubbles in the XY chart.
Indicator settings
The indicator attribute settings can be used to display the color, icon and text according to a threshold value.
Name and description
You can configure the following settings:
Associated Attribute: The integer or float attribute is used as an associated attribute. The value of the threshold is compared with the value in the associated attribute.
Thresholds: Threshold can be represented in two parts:
Unset: When the referenced attribute is unset, the defined icon, color, and text are displayed as the attribute values.
Set: When a threshold has an associated value:
The referenced attribute has value equal to or higher than the threshold value (but less than the next threshold value).
The referenced attribute has value lower than the threshold value.
Click Add Threshold to add a threshold.
Preset: The presets are used in setting up the thresholds and they represent the common usage of thresholds. The indicator attribute has a set of predefined items from which a user can select one item:
Custom: When you change value in a preset and switch to another preset, you can return to the preset that was modified by selecting the custom preset. If you save any preset, the preset is saved as Custom, because this is the only saved configuration.
Minimal: Minimal preset has one threshold and is a good option for financial indicators. The negative values are displayed in red, and positive values and zero are displayed in black.
Traffic Light: Traffic Light preset displays the thresholds depending on the value of an Integer or Float attribute. The thresholds are displayed in green, yellow and red. The high threshold value is displayed in red.
Rating: Rating has four thresholds. The thresholds are displayed in red (low), orange (medium), yellow (high), and green (very high). Rating preset has inverted colors compared to traffic light preset.
You can configure the following settings:
Display: Use the checkbox to select the icon, color, or text.
Allow Group By: Enables the integer attribute to be used to group elements in tree structures in a Display view.
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Attribute types