Reference : Attribute types : Integer
The integer attribute can contain a whole number between ‑9,223,372,036,854,775,808 and 9,223,372,036,854,775,807.
An input value that is higher than 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 is replaced automatically with 9,223,372,036,854,775,807. Similarly, an input value that is lower than -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 is replaced automatically with ‑9,223,372,036,854,775,808.
To change the value of an integer attribute
1 Click the Integer attribute.
2 In the Default Value field, type a new value. You can use both integers and expressions. All attribute values that start with an equal sign (=) are interpreted as expressions, and all other values are interpreted as integers. When an expression for a Text attribute is used, the value is 0.
3 Click OK.
Integer settings
Integer attributes enable the use of real numbers that do not contain fractional parts.
Name and description
You can configure the following settings:
Default Value: The value for the attribute for a new element
Used for Ranking?: This setting indicates if the integer attribute is used for Ranking or not. If this option is selected, then the user can specify a range for the ranks by specifying a high rank value and a low rank value. Default values are 1 and 10.
Rank attributes are special types of integer attributes that maintain unique values with in this range for all the elements in the module. Also, by selecting the option "Enforce the range while editing", it is possible to make sure that the user cannot enter any value that is beyond the range specified.
You can configure the following settings:
Prefix: The text to be displayed before the value
Java Number Pattern: Enter a valid Java Pattern for formatting the display of the integer attributes. This pattern will be used when integer attributes are displayed in the GUI.
Note This will not have any effect when the attributes are exported or imported using Microsoft Excel or REST calls.
Suffix: The text to be displayed after the value
Allow Group By: Enables the integer attribute to be used to group elements in tree structures in a Display view.
You can configure the following settings:
Mandatory: Makes sure that users enter a value for this attribute. Mandatory attributes are displayed with an asterisk.
Note Mandatory setting do not apply when you add folders.
Feedback Text: The text to display when the user does not specify a value for the mandatory attribute
Confirm Dialog
You can configure the following settings:
Display Dialog: Displays a confirmation window if users do not specify a value for the integer attribute.
Dialog Text: The text to display in the confirmation window that opens when users do not specify a value for the attribute. Tip: You might use mandatory settings to remind users to enter a value. For example, if users do not enter the Estimated Implementation Time, a window with this text opens:
Do you want to indicate the estimated implementation time?
Change Log
You can configure the following setting:
Log Changes: Records each change of the attribute value.
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Attribute types