Reference : Attribute types : Matrix
A matrix attribute consists of a grid that contains cells. The cells can be empty or can contain text, a number, or an expression.
To change the value of a matrix
1 Click the Edit link.
2 Edit the cells and click the Save link. Depending on your access and attribute configuration, these options might be available when you edit the matrix:
Red X
Deletes a row or a column
Right arrow
Moves the column to the right
Left arrow
Moves the column to the left
Down arrow
Moves the row down
Up arrow
Moves the row up
Add Row
Adds a row to the matrix. The row is added below the other rows.
Add Column
Adds a column to the matrix. The column is added to the right of the other columns.
Data range in rows from
Determines which rows to use when the table or chart is displayed
Data range in columns from
Determines which columns to use when the table or chart is displayed
Display as
Changes the way the values in the matrix are displayed. Choose from the following display options:
Table Without Headings
Line Chart, Bar Chart, or Column Chart: Graphical representations of the values in the matrix. The charts can be displayed only if the cells contain numerical values: either plain numbers, or results from numerical expressions.
Line charts are displayed properly only if your data range meets the following requirements:
At least two columns and at least two rows.
One row and at least two columns when Flip matrix axes is not selected.
One column and at least two rows when Flip matrix axes is selected.
Note In a matrix, when you enter numbers, use only the period sign (.) as the separator for decimal values.
Flip matrix axes
Displays he matrix columns are displayed as rows, and the rows as columns in the attribute list.
Matrix settings
Export and import rules for matrix attributes
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Attribute types