Reference : Attribute types : History logging for attributes
History logging for attributes
History log contains historical data related to user login, user access, and changes to attributes, and elements. If history logging is enabled for an attribute, each change type event triggers a specific message to be logged in the attribute's history log.
The history log can be used to track the changes made to an attribute, to configure notifications based on specific changes, and to decide whether an attribute's value should be rolled back to a previous value by using the rollback icon. To view the history log of an attribute belonging to a module, click the Display menu and then, from the Modules group, select the module. To view the history log for all of the attributes belonging to the selected module, select Logged Changes from the Actions menu of the module. You can click the attribute name to view the history log for a specific attribute.
Changes to attributes where history logging is not enabled: Last Changed Date and Last Changed By attribute values in Focal Point are updated each time an attribute is changed. These values are updated even for changes in attributes for which history logging is not enabled. These values are also updated for hidden attributes that are not displayed in the attribute list such as the check boxes in charts and the “isGroup” attribute that determines if an element is a folder or not. The entries for Last Changed Date and Last Changed By attributes might not be the same as what is recorded in the history log of the element. The Last Changed Date might be later than the last logged history value.
This is a list of the log messages for various change type events. If a change type event affects multiple attributes, the same message is logged for all the affected attributes.
Change Type Event
An attribute was added by the user
Attribute added by User Name
An element was added by the user
Element added by User Name
An expression was triggered by the user
An expression triggered by User Name
An expression was added or modified by the user
An expression entered by User Name
An attribute's value or expression was overwritten by a value that was set by the expression of another attribute when that other attribute was evaluated
An expression in another attribute triggered by User Name
An expression was triggered by a timer
An expression triggered by a timer
All other change type events
User Name
Related topics
Viewing logs of the elements and attributes
History settings
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Attribute types