Name and description
You can configure the following settings:
▪ Default Value: Select the item you want the attribute to get when new elements are added.
To add or edit an item, in the Items row, click the Click here to add and edit choice items link.
▪ Mandatory: To make sure that users enter a value for this attribute, select this check box. Mandatory attributes are displayed with an asterisk.
Note Mandatory settings do not apply when you add folders.
▪ Feedback Text: The text to display when the user does not specify a value for the mandatory attribute.
Confirm Dialog
You can configure the following settings:
▪ Display Dialog: Displays a confirmation window opens each time the multichoice attribute is changed.
▪ Dialog Text: The text to be displayed in the confirmation window that opens when the selected multichoice attribute is changed.
Change Log
You can configure the following setting:
▪ Log Changes: Records each change of the attribute value.