Tutorials : Integrate Focal Point with IBM Rational solution for CLM applications : Module 2: Configure the integration : Lesson 2: Add a functional user to the consumer key
Lesson 2: Add a functional user to the consumer key
In this lesson, you add a functional user to the Focal Point consumer key on the Jazz Team Server so that every time when a request is send to the Jazz Team Server the login credentials information is bypassed.
Video: How to add a functional user to the consumer key on the Jazz Team Server
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You must have IBM Rational solution for CLM administrator credentials to access the Jazz Team Server administration page.
The user Tim Jeffs, whom you added as a member to the Focal Point workspace in a previous lesson, must be a user in the IBM Rational solution for CLM application, with the permission to access the project areas.
Focal Point must be registered as an inbound consumer for the IBM Rational solution for CLM applications. For more information, see Register Focal Point as consumer.
After you add a functional user to the consumer key and use the XPathValueFetcher business rule to fetch updated data from the IBM Rational solution for CLM application, the fetching operation runs smoothly in the background without any user intervention. If you do not add a functional user, you must provide that functional user's login credentials every time that the business rule runs.
1 Access the IBM Rational solution for CLM Requirements Management application by pointing a web browser to:
and clicking Jazz Team Server - Server Administration. Click Manage Server.
2 In the navigation bar, click Consumers (Inbound).
3 In the Authorized Key section, move the cursor over the authorized key that corresponds to Focal Point and click the Edit icon.
4 Click Select User, and then search for the user ID that can be assigned as a function user. For this lesson, you add Tim.
5 Click Finish.
6 Repeat steps 1 through 5 for the Change and Configuration Management application by using this URL:
You added a functional user to the consumer keys.
Lesson checkpoint
In this lesson, you learned to add a functional user to the consumer key.
Lesson 3: Connect to the IBM Rational solution for CLM server
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Module 2: Configure the integration