Tutorials : Integrate Focal Point with IBM Rational solution for CLM applications : Module 3: Manage business needs with CLM applications : Lesson 8: Edit the work items
Lesson 8: Edit the work items
In this lesson, you assign an owner to the work items and change the status of work items in the Change and Configuration Management application.
Video: How to edit the work items in the Change and Configuration Management application
Click to watch in new tab.
1 Log in to the Change and Configuration Management application, from the Home list click All projects and select the WonderCar project.
2 Create and run a query to fetch all Story work items types.
3 Click the Improve fuel efficiency story from the query results.
4 In the Owned By field, click More and add Kim.
By default, the user Kim is created.
5 From the Status field of a work item, select In Progress.
6 Click Save.
7 Repeat steps 4 to 6 for all the Story work items.
Lesson checkpoint
In this lesson, you learned to change the owner and status of published work items.
In the next lesson, you use the XPathValueFetcher business rule to fetch the status of work items from the Change and Configuration Management application to Focal Point.
Lesson 9: Check progress of work items
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Module 3: Manage business needs with CLM applications