Interviewer - Server > Administration and maintenance > Databases > Quota database > QUOTA_Matrix table
QUOTA_Matrix table
This table holds information about the quotas that have been defined for the project.
  Matrix_ID   int(4)         NOT NULL
  Project_ID  nvarchar(255)  NOT NULL
  Name        nvarchar(255)  NOT NULL
  Version     int(4)         NOT NULL DEFAULT(1)
  PendMode    smallint(2)    NULL DEFAULT(0)
  PendLimit   int(4)         NULL DEFAULT(-1)
The quota matrix number.
The project name.
The name of the matrix as defined by the user, or the default name assigned by the Quota program. Note that all expression quotas are held in a single matrix.
Increment the Version field to force the quota cache to be uploaded and use the new quota settings in interviewing. It can take up to 60 seconds after the Version change for the quota engine to refresh.
Determines how this quota is to be pended. Possible settings are as follows:
Null or <=0
Normal pending. PendLimit is ignored.
Priority pending: All relevant quotas are pended and are then sorted into a list based on the priority value in the Metadata field in the QUOTA_Quota table. The quota with the highest priority appears at the top of the list. Any quotas with no priority value defined have the lowest priority and are always sorted to the bottom of the list. The first PendLimit cells remain pended and the rest are unpended. If the cells at PendLimit and PendLimit+1 have the same priority, the algorithm uses random pending to break the tie.
Random pending: All relevant quotas are pended and listed. The algorithm then uses the value stored in the DataCollection.SeedValue system variable and the code from the Ran or RanInt function in the Data Model function library to generate PendLimit unique random numbers in the range 0 to GroupCount-1. Each index into the list of pended quotas is checked and, if the index is not in the group of random numbers, the cell is unpended. Only cells whose index appears in the random number group remain pended.
LeastFull pending based on the ratio of completes to the target in each cell. All relevant quotas are pended and sorted into a list based on their ExactPercent. The first PendLimit cells remain pended and the rest are unpended. If the cells at PendLimit and PendLimit+1 have the same priority, the algorithm uses random pending to break the tie.
LeastFull pending based on the number of completed interviews in each cell.
PendMode can be set/changed in the sample management script.
The number of cells to pend within the group. If this is unset or is zero, all cells are pended.
All algorithms work regardless of whether OverQuota is set or not.
PendLimit can be set/changed in the sample management script.
See also
Quota database