Interviewer - Server > Administration and maintenance > Access to sample management and case data information > Controlling access to sample data > Settings for customer accounts
Settings for customer accounts
You can control access to sample databases for customer accounts. If there is customer account node for a specific user’s customer account, the user’s access to servers, databases and tables will be checked by the defined customer account settings. If there is not is customer account node for a specific user’s customer account, the user’s access to the server will be defaulted as the settings in the SampleMgtGUI.Config.xml file.
<SampleManagementGUI showexistingonly="false">
<Server name="*">
<Database name = "*">
<CustomerAccount name="ACustomer">
<Server name="*">
<Database name = "*">
<Role name="CATISupervisor">
<Server name="Localhost" cancreatenewdatabase="True">
<Database name = "Participants" cancreatenewtable="False">
<Database name = "Participants2">
<Role name="ACustomer_Role1">
<Server name="ASqlServerInstance">
<Database name = "SampleDB">
</CustomerAccount >
<CustomerAccount name="AnotherCustomer">
<Role name="CATISupervisor">
<Server name="Localhost">
<Database name = "ParticipantsA">
<Database name = "ParticipantsB">
<Role name="AnotherCommonRole">
<Server name="AnotherSqlServerInstance">
<Database name = "AnotherSampleDB">
</CustomerAccount >
See also
Controlling access to sample data