Interviewer - Server > Administration and maintenance > Defining display names for sample management scripts in the Launch activity
Defining display names for sample management scripts in the Launch activity
When a project uses sample management, the Sample Management tab in the Launch activity prompts the user to choose the sample management script to be used by the project. Normally, this tab displays the script names as they appear in the <Property> tags in the Interview.Config.xml file, but you may want to use other names and/or provide a brief description of what each script does or when it should be used. For example, instead of displaying the script names Basic and Multimode, you could display more self explanatory names or translate them.
The Interview.Config.resx file, in the same folder as Interview.Config.xml (normally FMRoot\Shared\Config in the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer installation folder), defines how the scripts will be named in the selection list. Each script has two <data> tags that define the display name and a description. Here are the tags for the Multimode script:
<data name="SampleManagements_Multimode_DisplayName">
<data name="SampleManagements_Multimode_Description">
  <value>CATI and Web script</value>
To add information for your own scripts, copy an existing pair of <data> tags and replace the tags' values with the display name and description for your script. The name that appears between the underscores in the name attributes must be the name by which the script is know to the Interview.Config.xml file. So, if you have a script that you define as follows in Interview.Config.xml:
    <SampleManagement name="MyCATIScript">
      <Property name="Script" type="filename">
                 Sample Management Scripts\MyCATIScript.mrs]]>
and you want it to appear in the list that the Launch user sees as "CATI", your specification in Interview.Config.resx would be:
<data name="SampleManagements_MyCATIScript_DisplayName">
<data name="SampleManagements_MyCATIScript_Description">
  <value>CATI project</value>
See also
Administration and maintenance