Interviewer - Server > Administration and maintenance > Email database object maintenance
Email database object maintenance
The following table lists the Email database objects.
Email database objects
Type: Table
View of current and completed tasks. The tables is useful for tracking current and historical activity.
Type: Table
Defines the task schedule.
Type: Table
Contains a full description of a task that is usable only by send email tasks.
Type: Table
Links tasks to schedules by defining an N:N relationship between rows in the Schedule table and rows in the SendEmailTask table. When a task in the Schedule table comes due, one or more tasks can be performed. A single task can be initiated by multiple Schedules.
Type: Index
Non-clustered index on dbo.SendEmailHistory.ScheduleTaskId.
Type: Index
Non-clustered index on dbo.SendEmailHistory.BatchStatus.
Type: Index
Non-clustered index on dbo.Schedule.EndTime.
Type: Index
Non-clustered index on dbo.ScheduleTask.TaskId.
Type: Index
Non-clustered index on dbo.ScheduleTask.ScheduleId.
Type: Index
Non-clustered index on dbo.ScheduleTask.Status.
Type: Index
Non-clustered index on dbo.ScheduleTask.NextDueTime.
Type: Index
Non-clustered index on dbo.ScheduleTask.LastKeepAliveTime.
Type: Procedure
PaticipantEmailer inserts a new record into the table when a task is started.
Type: Procedure
ParticipantEmailer updates the record (BatchStatus, BatchEndTime, SuccessfulEmailCount, FailedEmailCount) when the task is finishes, fails, or the task is not started and is disposed.
Type: Procedure
Used by IEmailer.Tasks interface to retrieve all send email schedule tasks.
Type: Procedure
Used by IEmailer.GetNextTask, to retrieve a next send email schedule task. The procedure is also used to validate a task from IEmailer.Tasks (when a user starts a task).
Type: Procedure
ParticipantsEmailer updates the dbo.ScheduleTask table (Status, ExecuteCount, NextDueTime, LastKeepAliveTime) when a scheduled task is finishes or fails.
Type: Procedure
Used by the IEmailTask.Dispose interface. The procedure is called to change the task status when a task is not started, when a user calls Dispose, or when the task is released by GC.
Type: Procedure
1. Called by ParticipantEmailer when retrieving the next task. The procedure checks for stuck records, or completed schedule task.
2. Reset stuck SendEmailHistory records for and update the batch status totsAbandoned.
Update the ScheduleTask from tsWaiting to tsComplete when theEndTime is reached.)
Type: Procedure
When a task is started from, ParticipantEmailer the procedure updates the database at regular intervals. The procedure updates SuccessfulEmailCount, the SendEmailHistory table's FailedEmailCount, and the ScheduleTask table's LastKeepAliveTime.
Type: Procedure
Adds or edits the Email activity's schedule task.
Type: Procedure
Retrieves the Email activity's schedule email record (for editing).
Type: Procedure
Retrieves the current user interface's email job status.
The dbo.Schedule and dbo.ScheduleTask tables are designed to support the scheduling of emails and other schedule oriented activities. The dbo.SendEmailTask and dbo.SendEmailHistory tables are specific to the Email activity.
The email sending and task status are stored in dbo.SendEmailHistory.BatchStatus and dbo.ScheduleTask.Status indexes. The email sending history records are stored in the dbo.SendEmailHistory table.
It is possible to use the scheduling tables to check the current task status and history. When a project is deleted, the related schedule records are also deleted. For more information, see mrInterviewData database stored procedures.
The following SQL statement can be used to delete old records (for example, records from the previous year):
SET @DelYear = 1
DECLARE @DeletedScheduleTask TABLE
  ScheduleTaskId INT

INSERT INTO @DeletedScheduleTask
SELECT DISTINCT ScheduleTaskId from dbo.SendEmailHistory WHERE BatchEndTime < DATEADD(year, -@DelYear, GETDATE())

-- Delete SendEmailHistory
DELETE FROM dbo.SendEmailHistory WHERE BatchEndTime < DATEADD(year, -@DelYear, GETDATE())

-- Delete ScheduleTask
DELETE FROM ST FROM dbo.ScheduleTask as ST
INNER JOIN @DeletedScheduleTask as DST
ON ST.Id = DST.ScheduleTaskId
WHERE ST.LastKeepAliveTime < DATEADD(year, -@DelYear, GETDATE())

-- Delete Schedule
DELETE FROM dbo.Schedule WHERE EndTime < DATEADD(year, -@DelYear, GETDATE())
See also
Administration and maintenance