Interviewer - Server > Administration and maintenance > Installation and uninstallation issues > Files left after uninstalling UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer
Files left after uninstalling UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer
The UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer installation procedure builds a list of all the files that it installs. When you uninstall UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer, the installer deletes those files as long as they have not been updated since the installation was run. Any files generated or updated since installation are not removed. Typical examples of files that are not deleted are:
UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer databases in SQL
Project files created within UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin. Most of these files are files created by people in your company. They are not deleted for two reasons: firstly, the installer did not create them, and secondly, they can be reused when UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer is reinstalled.
Log files
Edited files, such as Web.config, SampleMgtGUI.Config.xml, and defaultload.mrs are backed up and then deleted from their original locations. If you reinstall UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer you can copy these files into their original locations (renaming them if necessary) and any post-installation changes will not be required this time round.
pm.ini. This file is created by the installer itself so cannot be deleted automatically.
Some installstate files. These files are created by the installer itself so cannot be deleted automatically.
instlog.txt and other installer files. These files are created by the installer itself so cannot be deleted automatically.
Miscellaneous files such as license files and files, such as those in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Installer, that are in use during the uninstallation procedure.
See also
Installation and uninstallation issues