Data Model > UNICOM Intelligence Data Model accessories > Metadata Model Compare > Using Metadata Model Compare
Using Metadata Model Compare
To open Metadata Model Compare
From the Windows Start menu, choose Programs > UNICOM Intelligence 7 > Accessories > Metadata Model - Compare.
Settings for Metadata Model Compare
To use Metadata Model Compare, you must set these options:
the name and location of the third-party file compare tool that you want to use.
the folder that Metadata Model Compare will use for storing temporary files.
1 When you first run Metadata Model Compare, the Options dialog box opens. Alternatively, click Options in the Metadata Model Compare window to open the dialog box.
2 Click the ellipses (...) button next to "Compare tool" to select the file compare tool that you want to use.
3 When Metadata Model Compare runs the file compare tool, it appends the name of the original file as the first parameter to the executable and the name of the comparison file as the second parameter. If your file compare tool expects these parameters in a different order, include %1 for the original file and %2 for the comparison file in the command string. For example:
"C:\My Tools\MyFileCompareTool.exe" %2 %1
4 By default, Metadata Model Compare stores temporary files in the Windows temporary folder. To store temporary files in another location, click the ellipses (...) button on the right of "Temporary directory".
See also
Metadata Model Compare
Comparing metadata documents
Running Metadata Model Compare from the command line
UNICOM Intelligence Data Model accessories