Professional > Data management scripting > Analyzing a tracking study > Processing a wave that requires coding > Processing a wave
Processing a wave
You can use either IBM SPSS Text Analytics for Surveys or another coding tool.
Using IBM SPSS Text Analytics for Surveys
1 Start IBM SPSS Text Analytics for Surveys and import your UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server data. For more information, see Importing UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer data into IBM SPSS Text Analytics for Surveys.
2 When the IBM SPSS Text Analytics for Surveys “Select Variables” dialog box opens, select Respondent.Serial as the Unique ID.
3 Select the open-ended texts that you want to code and create categories for them. Then export the coded data to a .sav file. For more information about these tasks, see the IBM SPSS Text Analytics for Surveys documentation.
Note If you select a text question that also includes special-response categories such as “Don't Know” and “Refuse to Answer”, the process of merging the coded data with the original text variable means that the case data for those special responses will be missing from the Wave and Report databases.
4 Continue with Editing the files.
Using other coding tools
1 To use an coding tool other than IBM SPSS Text Analytics for Surveys, see Using other coding tools for more information about creating the required .sav file.
2 Continue with Editing the files.
Editing the files
1 If your coded data has been exported to more than one .sav file (because more than one coder is working on your survey), edit the data management script called TrackingStudy-MergeSAVFiles.dms so that it contains one InputDataSource section for each .sav file. Then run the script to merge the files into a single .sav file.
2 Edit the #define statements in script TrackingStudy-Settings.mrs, as follows:
The number of the current wave. You must set this to 1 for the first wave.
If the current wave has been collected in the same UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server database (that is, the same UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server project) as the previous wave, set this to True. Otherwise, set this to False. This setting is ignored for the first wave.
The name of the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server database that contains the live data.
The metadata document (.mdd) file associated with the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server database.
The database server hosting the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server database.
The name of the .sav file exported by IBM SPSS Text Analytics for Surveys or another coding tool, excluding the “.sav” extension. If you ran the script TrackingStudy-MergeSAVFiles.dms in step 4, enter the name of the .sav file output by that script.
The name of the Wave database.
The metadata document (.mdd) file that will be associated with the Wave database.
The database server that will host the Wave database.
The name of the Report database.
The metadata document (.mdd) file that will be associated with the Report database.
The database server that will host the Report database.
The location of isql.exe (the SQL Server command prompt utility) on your system. If your are using the SQL Server client tools, the location of sqlcmd.exe on your system.
3 Run the mrScriptBasic script called TrackingStudy-CreateMDD.mrs, which will create a metadata document (.mdd) file that will be used in the next step.
4 Edit the data management script called TrackingStudy-CreateWaveDB.dms and amend both the Metadata section and the OnJobEnd event section to set up weighting as required. Then run the script, which will drop the Wave database if it already exists and then merge the coded data in the .sav file with your original (live) UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server data and output the merged data to a new Wave database. (The script also adds a categorical variable called Wave to each record on the Wave database; this is intended to be of use later when the data is copied to the Report database.)
The Wave database now contains the coded and weighted data for the current wave, which might be complete or still in the data collection phase if the wave consists of more than one data collection. You can tabulate the data using UNICOM Intelligence Reporter - Survey Tabulation.
See also
Completing a wave
Analyzing a tracking study
Processing a wave that requires coding