Renaming Looks and Look groups
You can rename Looks and Look groups in the Look Organizer.
To rename Looks and Look groups
1 In the Look Organizer, select the Look or Look group that you want to rename.
2 On the toolbar, select
The name is highlighted, and the cursor is at the end of the name.
3 Type the new name, and then press Enter. (To cancel, press Esc.)
Rules for names
Look group names must be unique, and the names of Looks must be unique within the Look group. Names of Looks and Look groups can contain up to 255 characters, including spaces. They cannot contain these characters:
\ / : * ? " < > |
Troubleshooting error messages
Illegal Name
Renaming has failed because the name contains an illegal character or is longer than 255 characters. See
Rules for names above.
▪Look Organizer. Click OK to return to the Look Organizer, and then specify a valid name.
▪Saving Looks. Click OK to return to the Save Look wizard. If necessary, click Back to return to the General Information page. Specify a valid name.
Name Error
Renaming failed because there already is an item in the target with the same name. Click OK to return to the Look Organizer. Rename the item with a unique name.
See also