Reporter > Publishing the results > Export Tables dialog box > Text exports
Text exports
Launch text viewer after export
Opens the exported file in its default application, for example, Microsoft Excel for a .csv file and Notepad for a .txt file.
Save to file
Check this box and enter a name and location for the output file, or click Browse to browse to the folder where you want to save it. If you do not specify a save location, and Launch after export is also not selected, you are prompted to either launch the associated application or select a save location.
Advanced text export properties
Click Advanced to view or edit the Advanced Text Export Properties dialog box.
Display properties
Choose whether to use variable names or the more friendly descriptions for the variable texts in the tables.
Choose whether to use category names or the more friendly descriptions for the row and column headings in the tables.
Headers and footers
Select this option if you want to export the headers and footers that have been defined for the tables.
Formatting properties
Table delimiter
Select the character you want to use to separate the tables. (This must be different from the Field Delimiter character.) The default is a form feed character.
Field delimiter
Select the character you want to use to separate the fields. The default character is a comma (,).
See also
Export Tables dialog box