Reporter > Survey wizards > Provided UNICOM Intelligence Reporter wizards
Provided UNICOM Intelligence Reporter wizards
UNICOM Intelligence Reporter provides the following wizards:
Format cell items
This wizard adds a FormatExpression for a cell item on the specified tables. Formatting can be used to display a cell item as a currency, turn a date into a duration, or set the format of a number. The wizard is also useful for profile tables where the user may want to truncate open ended text or use a category value instead of a name. This wizard typically requires an understanding of the available expressions and functions (in particular the Format function). See “Expressions and functions” in the UNICOM Intelligence Developer Documentation Library for more information.
Set decimal places for special elements
This wizard provides a shortcut for setting decimal places for special elements based on type. Using this wizard you can easily set all of the special elements of a particular type (percentiles or standard deviations, for example) to use a specified number of decimal places.
Add per category base
This wizard adds a base for each category to the selected variable, allowing percentaging for each category to be based on a different base. This is useful if categories have been added or removed in different versions or if the question's categories are filtered (by using the base variable or expression method). In either case, the wizard provides the option of displaying the base or hiding it. See “Changing the base to reflect the version” in the UNICOM Intelligence Developer Documentation Library for more information.
Add standard elements
This wizard makes it easy to update a set of variables with special elements, such as Top 2, Bottom 2, Mean, Minimum, and Maximum.
Band date
This wizard creates a new banded datetime variable based on the selected datetime variable. You can choose which time unit to use for banding: minutes, hours, days, and so on. You can also specify a start and end time. This can be based on initial data information (if requested), or you can specify that the banding is done over a larger time unit. For example, if you choose hours as the time unit, you can then choose to band the hours for all days. This would allow you to see, for example, if calls to support are made more often in the 8-9 hour than the 12-13 hour.
Band numeric by percentile
This wizard allows you to enters the desired percentile banding for the selected numeric variable. The wizard runs a table to find the ranges for the variable for the desired bands and then creates a new variable based on those bands.
Copy variable edits
This wizard makes it easy to copy the edits made to one variable to a set of other variables. You must ensure that the source variable edits are appropriate to the target variables.
Tables - Copy tables with new banners wizard
The wizard allows you to select which tables are used as banners and sides from the UNICOM Intelligence Reporter Tables list. The wizard presents a list of available tables, allowing you to select a role for each table. Select to use the available tables as either banner templates, side templates, or both. A separate folder is created for each table that is selected as a banner template. Tables that are selected as side templates are placed under each banner folder. The dialog contents are defined in the wizard's .mdd file.
Tables - Create grid tables
The wizard creates a folder in the Tables pane for each grid variable. You must select both a table and one or more grid variables before using this wizard. The created folder contains a grid table that includes a Top 2 and mean on the sub-question. The wizard also creates a table for each grid iteration that uses the banner (top axis) from the selected table, and the grid sub-question for the selected iteration as the side variable.
Variables - Create grid summary variable
The wizard creates a Top 2 grid summary variable. The summary variable includes a category for each grid iteration where the category is selected if the respondent chose one of the Top 2 categories in the sub-question category list. This summary variable can then be tabulated against various banners to analyze the respondents who chose one of the Top 2 categories for each grid iteration.
See also
Survey wizards