Paper/Scan Add-on > Formatting questionnaires for scanning
Formatting questionnaires for scanning
You format questionnaires for scanning using Looks and templates just as you format any other paper questionnaire in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper. However, you need to ensure that the Looks that you use are scanning-enabled. Scanning-enabled Looks contain markers that identify to the scanning software where respondents will write their answers. There are also a number of other considerations when you format questionnaires for scanning, such as defining spacing before and after lines, Other Specify categories, paper size, and page setup.
A set of scanning-enabled Looks is supplied with UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper.
Testing Looks
Thoroughly test any Looks that you create or change before you use them. For scanning-enabled Looks, apply the Looks to a questionnaire and run the Transfer to Scanning Software command. Examine the mark and character fields in ReadSoft FORMS Manager to ensure that the ReadSoft FORMS fields exactly match the printed fields. This is particularly important when you resize mark or character fields.
See also
Scanning-enabled categorical looks
Scanning-enabled numeric and open-ended looks
Margins when using UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper/Scan Add‑on
Scanning double-sided questionnaires
Setting up mirror margins for double-sided scanning
Mail merge fields in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper/Scan Add‑on documents
Moving the questionnaire to the scanning machine
Other formatting issues