Margins when using UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper/Scan Add‑on
The margins of a questionnaire that is going to be scanned need to be large enough to accommodate the adjustment and recognition fields. If you are using headers and footers, the top and bottom margins also need to be big enough to accommodate the headers and footers in such a way that they do not overlap the scanning control fields.
The recommended minimum for all margins depends on the size of the paper being used:
▪For US letter-size paper: 1 inch.
▪For A4 paper: 2 centimeters.
However, these settings may not be sufficient for the top and bottom margin if you are using headers and footers.
Using the page border feature sometimes interferes with the field definitions in ReadSoft FORMS. It is therefore advisable to avoid using this feature.
Note Do not select the Mirror margins option unless you want UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper/Scan Add‑on to define the job in ReadSoft FORMS as a double-sided scanning job.
See also