Paper > Working with the questionnaire definition and UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper documents > Loading the questionnaire definition
Loading the questionnaire definition
1 From the Paper menu, choose Load Questionnaire.
This opens the Load dialog box.
2 Type or select the name of the questionnaire definition (.mdd) file that you want to load.
3 Select a Look group, Routing, Language, Version and Context.
4 Select Override Look specification in questionnaire if this version of the questionnaire definition has been loaded in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper previously using the selected Look group and you want to apply the default Looks in the Look group rather than the ones used previously.
5 If you do not want UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper to automatically insert a serial number question at the top of the questionnaire, select Ignore system variables.
6 If you want to load the questionnaire in the currently open Word document, deselect Create new document.
7 If you want to create a draft version of the paper questionnaire, select Create draft document.
8 If you want to display the routing item descriptions in a draft version of the paper questionnaire, select Include routing item descriptions. Select this option only if you also select Create draft document.
9 If you want to display the routing item scripts in a draft version of the paper questionnaire, select Include routing item scripts. Select this option only if you also select Create draft document.
10 Select Generate question number with prefix if you want to generate new question numbers or replace existing ones. If you select this option, you can also change the prefix if required. If the questionnaire already contains question numbers that you want to keep, deselect this option.
11 Click Open.
While UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper loads the questionnaire definition and prepares the document, a progress indicator is displayed. UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper bases the new document on the template selected on the Template tab of the Paper Options dialog box.
See also
Opening UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper documents
Handling translations
Updating documents
Document information dialog box
Load questionnaire definition dialog box
Working with the questionnaire definition and UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper documents