Author > The UNICOM Intelligence Author user interface > Working with questionnaire files that are saved in a UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin project
Working with questionnaire files that are saved in a UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin project
You can work with questionnaire files that are saved in a UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin project. You can also open files from a hard drive or network drive.
1 Click File > Open from Interviewer Server Admin.
If you are not currently logged into an UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin server, the UNICOM Intelligence Login dialog displays, allowing you to select an existing (or enter a new) UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin URL and provide valid login credentials for the selected UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin.
2 In the UNICOM Intelligence Login dialog box, enter (or select from the list) the following:
Destination Server or UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin URL: Enter the name or URL of the server where UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin is located (for example, http://server_name/SPSSMR/DimensionNet/default.aspx). Use this to connect to a server using an internet or intranet link.
User name: Enter a valid Windows or UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin user name.
Password: Enter a valid password for the defined user name.
Authentication: Select UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin Authentication or Windows Authentication (if UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin is configured for Active Directory).
Login using my Windows Account: When selected, the User name, Password, and Authentication fields are disabled and your current Windows login credentials are used.
3 Click Login. If the login credentials are valid, you are presented with the Activate - Current Project Open from UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin dialog.
By default, you are presented with project files that you have activated. They are under: Root > My Folder > Projects.
Other project files that you are authorized to view are under: Root > Shared Folder > Projects.
See also
Toolbar buttons
To check out a file
To check in a project file
To undo a project file check out
Default UNICOM Intelligence Author roles and activities
Project templates
UNICOM Intelligence Author window
Design pane
Toolbar buttons
Changing the layout of the window
Undoing and redoing actions in UNICOM Intelligence Author
Previewing the printout
Printing a questionnaire
The UNICOM Intelligence Author user interface
Toolbar buttons
Refreshes the connection to the server and updates the file status if any changes were made since you last refreshed.
Moves focus up the directory tree.
Checks out the selected project .mdd file and locks the associated project in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin. Other users cannot modify the file while it is checked out.
Checks in the selected project .mdd file and unlocks the associated project in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin.
Negates the selected file's checked out status. The file is not saved and is returned to its state prior to being checked out.
1 Select the appropriate .mdd file. File information, such as the file name, status, and check out status, is provided.
2 Click Open. You a presented with a dialog that asks how you would like to open the file.
Read Only opens the file in read-only mode. You cannot modify read‑only .mdd files.
Check Out and Edit checks out the file, locks the associated project in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin, and opens the file for editing. Other users cannot modify the file while it is checked out.
See also
Opening questionnaire files
To check out a file
1 From the File menu, select Check Out (or press Alt+F, C). A dialog displays, asking if you want to check out the file.
2 Click Yes to check out the file, or No to return to UNICOM Intelligence Author. Checking out a file locks the associated project in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin, and opens the file for editing in UNICOM Intelligence Author.
See also
Opening questionnaire files
To check in a project file
1 After applying the appropriate changes to the .mdd file click Save, or press Ctrl+S.
2 From the File menu, select Check In (or press Alt+F, I). A dialog displays, asking if you want to check in the file. You are also presented the option of keeping the document checked out after checking in the current version (this allows you to check in changes and continue working on the file).
3 Click Yes to check in the file, or No to return to UNICOM Intelligence Author.
Note You can also check in files by using the Open from UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin dialog: see To check out a file above.
See also
Opening questionnaire files
To undo a project file check out
1 Click File > Undo Check Out (or press Alt+F, U). A dialog displays, asking if you want to undo the file check out.
2 Click Yes to undo the file check out, or No to return to UNICOM Intelligence Author. Undoing a file check out negates the selected file's checked out status. The file is not saved and is returned to a read-only state.
If you want UNICOM Intelligence Author to check in/out additional files (except the project’s questionnaire file), add the appropriate file extension names to the list in the CheckoutExtensionList key in the web application's web.config file (in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\SPSSMR\AuthoringWebService). Separate extensions by semicolons. The default value for this key is:
  <add key="CheckoutExtensionList"
       value=" *.htm;*.html;*.xml;*.gif;*.png;*.jpg;*.jpeg;
               *.mov;*.css;" />
See also
Opening questionnaire files