Interviewer - Server Admin > Files
Files is a tool for managing files belonging to a project. UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin stores the files for each project in two or three locations, depending on the project type:
Shared folder
Files in this folder are visible to anyone who has permission to access the project.
The location of this folder is:
where project_name is the name of the project.
User folder
A separate user folder exists for each user who accesses the project. Files in this folder are private files that are visible only to the named user.
The location of this folder is:
where user_name is the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin user name.
Master folder
This folder is used for UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin projects only. Whenever you activate a project, the activation process copies any files that have changed from the user folder into the master folder. When a project is activated in Active mode, the activation process also sends a message to all Interviewing servers in the cluster telling them to update their copy of the project's files by copying files from this folder. Files in this folder are visible to anyone who has permission to access the project.
The location of this folder is:
How files are managed
Starting Files
Viewing file details
Checking files into the shared folder
Checking files out from the shared folder
Undoing check-outs
When to check files in and out
Uploading files from your computer to your user folder
Downloading files to your computer
Deleting private files
Respondent files