Interviewer - Server > UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer activities in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer Server - Admin > Participants > Viewing and editing participant records > Displaying a selection of records
Displaying a selection of records
By default, the View tab of the Participants activity displays all of the participant records in the sample table. Because a sample table might contain thousands of records, you can choose to display only a selection of records so that you can more easily find the records that you want to view.
You specify the records that you want to display by defining selection criteria. For example, the criteria might be to select a single record with a specific Id, or to select all the records for which an interview has been successfully completed.
The method that you use to specify selection criteria depends on whether Standard or Advanced under “Select and Edit Options” has been selected on the View Settings tab (see Viewing and editing participant records). This topic assumes that Standard has been selected; if Advanced has been selected, see Performing a bulk update.
Note Depending on the sample database that you are using, text searches might be case‑sensitive. If so, you must type text values so that they match the case of the data in the sample table. For example, queue names such as COMPLETED must always be typed in upper case.
To display a selection of records
1 On the View tab, make sure that the Participants pane is maximized so that you can see the Display All and Display Selection options.
2 Select the Display Selection option.
A group of lists, text boxes, and buttons appears. You use these to specify the selection criteria that will determine which records are displayed. For example, your criteria might select only records that are in the COMPLETED queue.
3 In the Field list, select the field that you want to use in your selection criteria, for example, Queue.
The Field list includes only those fields that you have access to. For more information, see Controlling access to data and features.
4 In the list to the right of Field, select the comparison that you want to use in your selection criteria, for example, equal to.
5 In the Value text box, type the value that you want to use in your selection criteria, for example, COMPLETED. (However, if your sample database is not case sensitive, you could instead type completed.)
6 Click Apply.
The list of participant records now includes only those records that match the selection criteria. If there are more records than fit on one page, use the icons at the bottom of the page to navigate between pages.
A quicker method for displaying all the records in one queue is to click on the Summary tab (see Viewing and editing participant records) and then click the View Queue icon on the right of the queue.
To return to displaying all participant records, select the Display All option in the Participants pane.
To display records that fall within a range of values
You might want to display only records that have a value that falls between two values, for example, records that have an Id between 100 and 200.
1 Enter the first part of your selection criteria, for example, Id, greater than, 99.
2 Click the And/Or button.
A second group of lists, text boxes, and buttons appears under the first group.
3 In this second group, enter the second part of the selection criteria, for example, Id, less than, 201.
4 Click Apply to display the records that match the selection criteria.
To remove a line from the selection criteria, click Delete on the right of the line that you want to remove.
To display records that have one of several values
You might want to display only records whose value is equal to any one of several values, for example, records that are in the FRESH queue, or the ACTIVE queue, or the FAILED queue.
1 Enter the first part of the selection criteria, for example, Queue, equal to, FRESH.
2 Click the And/Or button.
3 In the And/Or list, select Or.
4 Enter the second part of the selection criteria, for example, Queue, equal to, ACTIVE.
5 Click the And/Or button and select Or from the list.
6 Enter the third part of the selection criteria, for example, Queue, equal to, FAILED.
7 Click Apply to display the records that match the selection criteria.
To display records that contain a word or phrase
To display only records that contain a word or a phrase, use the contains comparison in your selection criteria. For example, if your participant records include a Name field, you can display all the participants whose surname is Smith by specifying Name, contains, Smith as your selection criteria. Remember that if your sample database is case sensitive, you must type the word or phrase so that its case matches the case of the data in the sample table.
Note The contains, does not contain, starts with, does not start with, ends with, and does not end with comparisons use the Transact-SQL LIKE operator, which means that you can use wildcard characters in your search value. Some examples of the use of wildcard characters are:
% means any string of zero or more characters.
_ (an underscore) means any single character.
[abc] means any of the characters a, b, or c.
[w-z] means any characters in the range w to z.
[^de] means any character except d or e.
To search for an underscore, specify [_] (an underscore in brackets). To search for a percent, specify [%].
To display records that contain a date
If your selection criteria includes a datetime field, you must enter the value in one of three formats: yyyy-mm-dd, yyyy-mm-dd:hh:mi, or yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss. If you specify only the date, a time of 00:00:00 is assumed. Therefore, to display records that contain a specific date, your selection criteria must be specified as a range. For example, if your participant records include an AppointmentTime field, you can display all the participants that have an appointment on 23 February 2006 by specifying the selection criteria as AppointmentTime, greater than, 2006-02-23, And, AppointmentTime, less than, 2006-02-24.
To display records that contain an empty field
To display only records that contain an empty field, select the field name, then select the is empty comparison, and then click Apply. You do not need to enter a value when using the is empty or is not empty comparisons.
See also
Viewing and editing participant records