Interviewer - Server > UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer activities in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer Server - Admin > Survey Results
Survey Results
Survey Results allows you to create simple tables using variables from your interview data. The tables can be simple topline tables showing the number of respondents present in each category of a single variable, or they can be two-dimensional cross-tabulations using one or more variables on the side and top of the table.
Tables can be filtered to include certain categories of respondents only (for example, only women aged between 21 and 30), to include or exclude interviews that terminated in a particular way, to include all completed interviews, or to exclude test interviews.
Survey Results uses the questionnaire definition (.mdd) file in the Master project folder and reads the location of the case data from that file. If the .mdd file contains more than one version, Survey Results uses the versions labeled LATEST.
Support for hierarchical data
Starting with version 6, Survey Results supports hierarchical data in the form of unbounded loop questions. Unbounded loop questions are read from the MDM document fields (which include all questions as fields).
For more information, see Unbounded loops.
See also
Starting Survey Results
Main Survey Results screen
Viewing variables
Clearing the current table and filters
View Log
UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer activities in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer Server - Admin