Interviewer - Server > UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer activities in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer Server - Admin > Survey Results > Options
Options lets you control how Survey Results works for you. The defaults are as follows:
Variables section
The Variables section determines which variables are shown in variable lists.
For more information about these variable types, see Variable icons.
Display all system variables
System variables contain general information about an interview as a whole and include such things as the time at which the interview started and ended, the interview status code, and the interview serial number. Survey Results displays this option only if IncludeSystemVariables is set to True within the metadata document.
Display other specify variables
These variables contain response texts entered using an Other specify response in a single or multiple choice list.
Display coding variables
These variables contain the codes assigned to a question’s text and other specify responses during coding.
Display source file variables
These variables contain the names of files containing handwritten or spoken responses for a given question.
Display multiplier variables
These variables contain numeric values associated with specific questions. When cases are counted in a table, the cell counts are normally incremented by 1 for each case present in the cell. If cell counts are to be incremented by a value other than 1, a multiplier variable will exist for the question specifying the value by which cells are to be incremented for each case.
Labels section
The Labels section determines what types of labels are shown and how they are shown.
You can display variable names or variable labels (the question text).
You can display variable labels in any language, as long as the labels exist in the case data.
The context for which labels are to be displayed should always be Question.
Extra choices may appear for some options. These are label types not yet in use.
The Results section determines how your results are displayed. Currently, tables are always displayed even if Display table is not selected.
You can set between 0 and 4 decimal places.
If you want to display charts in addition to the table of frequency counts, you may select Bar.
Text results section
The Text Results section controls the amount of output displayed for text results. You can choose to display the first 10, 50, 100, 500 responses, or an unlimited number of responses, and to display the first 10, 50, 100, 500 characters, or an unlimited number of characters per response.
To set options
Choose Actions > Options.
See also
Survey Results