Interviewer - Server > UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer activities in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer Server - Admin > UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Remote Admin > UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Remote Admin Interface
UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Remote Admin Interface
The UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Remote Admin interface provides status information on each remote interviewer for the selected project.
The activity features are divided between the Interviewers and Respondents tabs.
Interviewers tab
The top level Interviewers tab is similar to the options that were provided with the pre-7.0.1 Remote Administration activity. The differences are as follows:
The list of interviewers to display is obtained from the InterviewerSyncDownloadProject table and shows users that are synchronized for a project, even if they are no longer assigned to the project. However, users who are not currently assigned to the project are displayed as gray text. The behavior is a change from the previous behavior of showing only interviewers who are currently assigned to the project.
The tab includes an Interviewer Id filter field. By default, the field is blank and all interviewers who are synchronized for the project are displayed. An interviewer name, or a wild-card of “*”, can be used to filter the list (for example, to display a single interviewer or a subset of interviewers).
The tab includes two date range filter fields. By default the date range defaults to display the last 31 days (the number of days are controlled by the InterviewerSyncSessionDataExpiresInDays field). For example, the default date range shows all data that is available in the InterviewerSync tables.
The filter uses a calendar control (it is not be possible to filter based on time-of-day). The search also includes the selected days (for example >= and <=). The start date must be greater than the current date minus the InterviewerSyncSessionDataExpiresInDays value, but less than or equal to the end date. Selecting an earlier date results in the following error:
Synchronization data is only available for the last <InterviewerSyncSessionDataExpiresInDays>" days, the earliest
available date is <Date>
When the error occurs, the date is automatically set to the earliest available date. The end time must be the same as, or later than, the start time and earlier than, or equal to, the current date.
The Completed and Suspended columns (which show the case data totals) are replaced with the Records uploaded and Completes uploaded columns. The columns contain counts from the InterviewerSync tables and take into account the data range filter. A completed record is any record where DataCollection.Status contains completed.
Each respondent ID is only counted once in each column (the most recent record for each respondent ID).
The Successful Sync and Attempted Sync columns now account for the date range (for example, only interviewers that are synchronized, or attempted to synchronize, within the date range are shown in the table). If there have been no successful synchronization within the specified date range, the field is left empty.
The columns also provide synchronization information for each respondent ID. When an interview is completed over multiple interviewing sessions, the synchronization information for each incomplete session is provided, followed by the final complete record.
The Successful Sync and Attempted Sync values are derived by combining theInterviewerSyncSessions and InterviewerSyncDownloadProject tables and then filtering on the current project and the selected date range. The Successful Sync time is the latest InterviewerSyncSessions RequestTime where Result=0. The Attempted Sync time is the absolute latest InterviewerSyncSessions RequestTime. These times are displayed in each interviewer’s local time (instead of the UTC times in the database). The data grid is split into pages, allowing each page to fit into the browser window without the need for vertical scrolling.
The permissions Can view synchronization history and Can view respondent details control user access to the synchronization history and respondent details. When a user has the Can view synchronization history permission, a plus symbol (+) is added to the left of each interviewer’s record. Click + to display the interviewer’s past synchronization sessions, which are filtered by project.
When an Interviewer Id is expanded, a second grid displays with the following columns:
Time (taken from the InterviewerSyncSessions.StartTime field)
Machine Name (the InterviewerSyncSessions.ClientHostName field)
Records Uploaded
Completes Uploaded
Status (Success/Failure)
When a user has the Can view respondent details permission, a plus symbol (+) is added to the left of each interviewer’s record. Click + to display the uploaded case data records. The records are displayed as a grid with the following columns:
Respondent Id (InterviewerSyncUploadedCaseData.RespondentId)
Finish Time (InterviewerSyncUploadCaseData.FinishTime)
Complete (True / False -InterviewSyncUploadData.Status.Contains({Completed}))
Status (InterviewerSyncUploadCaseData.Result converted to a text description of the result code)
The Interviewers tab also provides Refresh and Download controls. The Refresh control reruns the last database query and updates the list view. The Download control produces a CSV file. The CSV file contents vary depending on the user permissions:
The following information is available for all users of the Remote Administration activity:
Interviewer Id
Records Uploaded
Completes Uploaded
Last Successful Sync
Last Attempted Sync
The following information is available to users with the Can view synchronization history permission:
Interviewer Id
Machine Name
Records Uploaded
Completes Uploaded
The Interviewer Id and Date Range filters are applied when the activity produces the CSV file, ensuring that the file content matches the information that is shown on screen. The first row in the CSV file is a header row that contains the column headings.
Respondents tab
The Interviewers tab is designed to enable managers to view interviewer activity. The Respondents tab shows the respondent data synchronization information. The Respondents tab is only visible when the user has the Can view respondent details permission.
The tab provides filters that are similar to the Interviewer tab, except Interviewer Id is replaced with Respondent Id and defaults to an empty value. By default, a date range of the last 31 days is provided. The inclusion of the date range is intended to emphasize to the user that the data shown is only for a limited date range. The information is limited to the length of collected data.
The Respondents tab provides the following columns:
Respondent Id
Sync Time
Finish Time
Machine Name (the device that uploaded the respondent record)
Interviewer Id (the interviewer that conducted the interview)
Status (complete/incomplete)
It is possible for the same respondent to be listed multiple times if an interview consists of multiple visits (for example, incomplete records with different finish and synchronization times and then finally a completed record). The list is ordered by ascending respondent ID and then descending by synchronization time (most recent synchronization first).
Similar to the Interviewer tab, the Respondents tab provides Refresh and Download controls. The Download control produces a CSV file with the same data that is shown in the Respondents tab. The Respondent Id and Date Range filters also apply to the CSV download.
See also
UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Remote Admin