Desktop User Guides > Professional > Data management scripting > Analyzing a tracking study > Processing a wave that does not require coding
Processing a wave that does not require coding
For each wave that does not require coding, a data management script is used to transfer the original (live) UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server data to a new database for reporting purposes. The data management script also adds weights to the data. The new database is called the Wave database, as it contains data for the current wave only.
Depending on your reporting requirements, you can perform the process once at the end of each wave or, if your waves consist of more than one data collection, you can perform the process at the end of each data collection.
Processing a wave
By default, the scripts referred to in the following steps are installed in this folder:
[INSTALL_FOLDER]\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\7\DDL\Scripts\Data Management\DMS
1 Edit the #define statements in script TrackingStudy-Settings.mrs, as follows:
The number of the current wave. You must set this to 1 for the first wave.
If the current wave has been collected in the same UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server database (that is, the same UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server project) as the previous wave, set this to True. Otherwise, set this to False. This setting is ignored for the first wave.
The name of the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server database that contains the live data.
The metadata document (.mdd) file associated with the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server database.
The database server hosting the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server database.
This statement can be ignored.
The name of the Wave database.
The metadata document (.mdd) file that will be associated with the Wave database.
The database server that will host the Wave database.
The name of the Report database.
The metadata document (.mdd) file that will be associated with the Report database.
The database server that will host the Report database.
The location of isql.exe (the SQL Server command prompt utility) on your system. If your are using the SQL Server client tools, the location of sqlcmd.exe on your system.
2 Edit the data management script called TrackingStudy-CreateWaveDB-WeightsOnly.dms and amend both the Metadata section and the OnJobEnd event section to set up weighting as required. Then run the script, which will drop the Wave database if it already exists and then transfer your original (live) UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server data to a new Wave database. (The script also adds a categorical variable called Wave to each record on the Wave database; this is intended to be of use later when the data is copied to the Report database.)
The Wave database now contains the weighted data for the current wave, which might be complete or still in the data collection phase if the wave consists of more than one data collection. You can tabulate the data using UNICOM Intelligence Reporter - Survey Tabulation.
Analyzing a tracking study