Desktop User Guides > Professional > Data management scripting > Table scripting in a data management script > Creating special elements in metadata using a data management script
Creating special elements in metadata using a data management script
Special elements are used by UNICOM Intelligence Reporter or UNICOM Intelligence Reporter - Survey Tabulation to assist in the analysis of data (for example, mean, standard deviation, totals, and subtotals) or to provide additional information (for example, text elements). For more information, see Special elements.
In UNICOM Intelligence Reporter - Survey Tabulation and the UNICOM Intelligence Professional Tables Option, you can add special elements to your tables by defining an axis specification. You can define the axis specification for a variable at the time you create the table. Elements added in this way are not saved in the metadata.
Another way to add special elements to a table is to include them in the metadata so that they are permanently attached to a variable. This can be useful if you know in advance the types of special elements that will be required for analysis on a particular variable. You can add special elements to the metadata using a data management script, either by setting up an axis expression on an existing variable, or by creating a derived variable that includes the special element.
Adding a special element to the metadata using an axis expression
Adding a special element to the metadata using a derived variable
Table scripting in a data management script