Desktop User Guides > Paper > Formatting questionnaires for scanning > Moving the questionnaire to the scanning computer
Moving the questionnaire to the scanning computer
You do not have to format the questionnaire on the computer that is going to be used to scan the completed questionnaires. However, when these tasks are performed on different computer, it is recommended that you follow the following steps.
These instructions assume that if you are using the Word option to attach a template, it is accessible on both computers.
Steps to take on the formatting computer
1 Create the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper document in the normal way by loading the questionnaire definition.
2 Apply Looks and any other formatting.
3 In Word, click Tools > Options.
4 On the Save tab, select Embed TrueType fonts, and then click OK.
5 Save the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper document; for example, as myDocument.doc.
6 Copy the document to the scanning computer.
7 Make a note of the margin and paper size settings so that you can check that they are the same on the scanning computer.
Steps to take on the scanning computer
1 Open the document (myDocument.doc) in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper.
If the questionnaire definition (.mdd) file is not accessible on this computer using the path that was used on the formatting computer, UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper will display a message and give you the option to browse to the file. If the questionnaire definition file is not accessible over the network, you must copy it to the scanning computer and then use this option to specify its location.
2 If UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper asks you if you want to update the document to use the current Looks, select No.
3 Ensure that the paper size and margins are the same as on the formatting computer.
4 Insert the scanning control fields. You must do this on the scanning computer, even if you already did it on the formatting computer.
5 Run the Transfer to Scanning Software command and open the job in ReadSoft FORMS Manager.
See also
Scanning-enabled categorical looks
Scanning-enabled numeric and open-ended looks
Margins when using UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper/Scan Add-on
Scanning double-sided questionnaires
Setting up mirror margins for double-sided scanning
Mail merge fields in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper/Scan Add-on documents
Other UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper/Scan Add-on formatting issues
Formatting questionnaires for scanning