Desktop User Guides > Professional > Interview scripting > Writing interview scripts > What is an interview script? > Interview scripts: Metadata section
Interview scripts: Metadata section
The Metadata section defines the question texts, the question types, and the response texts. It also defines information texts such as instructions for respondents or interviewers, as well as any other text (for example, project or page titles) that might need to be translated. All interview scripts must have this section. It is written in mrScriptMetadata (see mrScriptMetadata User's Guide).
When you create a new interview script in UNICOM Intelligence Professional, the default Metadata section looks like this:
Metadata(en-us, ,Question,   label)

End Metadata
en-us is the language, Question is a the context, and label is a the label type. It is not mandatory to specify the language, context, or label type, as defaults are used if they are not provided. For more information, see Label types, contexts, and translations.
A Metadata section with one categorical question looks like this:
Metadata(en-us, Question, label)
LikesBest "Which tea do you like best?" categorical [1..1]
End Metadata
You can define questions in any order in the Metadata section because it is the Routing section that determines the order in which they are presented. However, if you leave the Routing section empty, questions are presented in the order they appear in the Metadata section.
When writing metadata statements, you can use almost any layout that you like. However, if you close and reopen an .mdd file in UNICOM Intelligence Professional, UNICOM Intelligence Professional reformats the script. Each component of the question’s definition is placed on a separate line; indentation is used to show the hierarchy of the definition; shared list definitions are moved to the top of the script; and page statements are moved to the bottom.
See also
What is an interview script?