Desktop User Guides > Reporter > Publishing the results > Exporting data > Export Data dialog: General tab
Export Data dialog: General tab
Use the General tab of the Export Data dialog to enter details of the output file that you want to export to, and to select a language for the export.
Variable description language
Choose the language in which you want variable and category descriptions to be exported. The list shows all of the languages that are available in the current survey data file.
Export format
Choose the format in which to save the exported data. Available formats are:
IBM SPSS Statistics File (SAV)
Delimited Text File (Microsoft Excel)
UNICOM Intelligence Data File (ddf and compressed dzf formats)
Quantum Data File (DAT)
SAS System File
Triple-S File (Fixed or CSV)
UNICOM Intelligence XML Data File
Metadata Only
File name
Enter a name and file path for the output file.
The remaining sections of this dialog are specific to the export format you have selected:
SPSS Statistics File (SAV)
If you are exporting data to IBM SPSS Statistics .SAV format for use with versions of IBM SPSS Statistics prior to version 12, select Use SPSS SAV short file names to export variable names with a maximum length of eight characters.
Export Factors. Exports case data for single-response categorical variables that have factor values as factor values (or missing values for non-factor elements). The case data are not exported as categorical values.
Export Variables in Different Levels into Different Files. Exports variables in one or multiple files, grouped together in the same hierarchical level. The export process creates a new file for each unbounded level that has variables selected from it. A separate record is created in the output file for each record at the level being exported.
SAS System File
If you are exporting data to SAS system file format, select Export Factors if you want to export factors set for the categories in UNICOM Intelligence Reporter as category values in the SAS file (this is the default for SAS). Deselect the box if you want to export the native values (sequential values starting from 1).
Quantum Data File (DAT)
If you are exporting data into a Quantum DAT file format, a set of prompts to do with card column options is displayed. Set these values:
Width of serial number: The number of columns to reserve for the respondent serial number. The default is five columns.
Width of card number: The number of columns to reserve for the card number. The default is two columns.
Max card length: The maximum number of columns to write per card. The default is 80. Leave this field blank for an infinite card length.
Full name of serial variable: The name of the variable that contains the respondent serial numbers. In survey data files created by UNICOM Intelligence products this variable is called Respondent.Serial, but in files from other sources it might have another name, for example, Serial.
Metadata Only
When selected, this option only saves the metadata document as loaded by UNICOM Intelligence Reporter (the Variable tab and filtering options are not available).
If you select Advanced, click Edit to display the Data Link Properties dialog, where you can specify the connection properties for your required export format.
See also
Exporting data