Desktop User Guides > Paper/Scan Add-on > Transferring the scanned data from ReadSoft FORMS > Error and warning messages > UNICOM Intelligence Scan Transfer messages
UNICOM Intelligence Scan Transfer messages
____ is out of range. Length should be between __ and __
A response in a text variable has more characters than the maximum number of characters allowed for the question, or the text has fewer characters than the minimum number of characters allowed.
____ is out of range. Value should be between __ and __
A response to a numeric question is greater than the maximum value allowed for the question, or is less than the minimum value allowed.
____ is out of range. The category count should be between __ and __
A response to a categorical question consists of too many or too few categories.
Serial variable Respondent.Serial hasn’t been given a value
The respondent’s serial number is missing, or the paper questionnaire is blank.
For information about the error and warning messages issued by the data source component, see the documentation for the data source component.
See also
Error and warning messages
Viewing all of the errors and warnings for the transfer
Viewing the errors and warnings for one variable