Desktop User Guides > Author > Creating questions and responses > Question type overview > Creating True/False questions
Creating True/False questions
For questions that have only two possible answers (for example, Yes or No; True or False), use a True/False question. UNICOM Intelligence Author displays True or False questions as a single check box. A checked box indicates True; a blank box indicates False.
If it is possible that other answers might be given, for example, “Don't know”, use a single response question instead: see Creating single response questions.
The Routings section of the Properties pane enables you to select an interviewing mode for the questionnaire. This controls the supported question types. Paper - Scanning mode does not support True or False, Date/Time, Loop, or Block question types. So if you select Paper - Scanning for the interviewing mode, you cannot select these question types.
Creating a True/False question
1 Click Insert > Question > True or False, or press Ctrl+F6.
The new question is displayed in the Routings pane and in the Design pane.
The question has an automatically generated name: see Automatically generated names.
2 Enter the question text to be displayed to respondents in the box under Name.
For example, "Click the check box if you think there are benefits in drinking decaffeinated coffee."
Specifying additional question details in the Properties pane
For more information, see Specifying additional question details in the Properties pane.
Specifying other options
Specifying additional question details in the Properties pane
Specifying additional response details in the design pane.
See also
Question type overview