Desktop User Guides > Paper > Understanding Looks > UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper character styles > Insertion character styles > List of insertion character styles
List of insertion character styles
Style name
mr Category Go To Cross-reference
For categories that have Go To information, a cross-reference to the page that contains the next question to ask.
mr Category Go To Name
For categories that have Go To information, the name of the next question to ask.
mr Category Go To Short Name
For categories that have Go To information, the short name of the next question to ask.
mr Category Name
The category name, which uniquely identifies the category within the category list. For example, SCIENCE, DESIGN, and so on.
mr Category Other Specify Name
The name of the variable that holds the open-ended responses to an Other Specify category.
mr Category Text
The category text that you want to present to the user. For example, National Museum of Science, Museum of Design, and so on. In shared list subLooks, it inserts the subquestion text of grid and numeric grid questions as well as the category text of categorical questions.
mr Category Value
A numeric identifier for the category within the question. For example, 1, 2, and so on.
This style is effectively replaced by the mr Keycode style starting with version 5.6. To maintain backwards compatibility, UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper continues to process this style if you open an older look version.
mr Grid Subquestion Name
The name that uniquely identifies a subquestion within a grid subquestion list.
mr Grid Subquestion Text
The subquestion text that you want to present to the user in a grid question.
mr Information Name
The unique name of an information item.
mr Information Short Name
The short name of an information item. (This is reserved for future use because you cannot create a short name for an information item in any of the current authoring tools.)
mr Information Text
The text of an information item.
mr Instruction
Instruction text for a question or information item. For example, Only if answered Yes to Q13.
mr Keycode
The keycode value defined in the metadata document.
mr Question Name
The question name, which is a unique identifier that allows you to track a question over time and across survey instruments (for example, museums).
mr Question Short Name
A shorter version of the question name. It is often the question number, such as Q14.
mr Question Text
The question text that you want to present to respondents; for example, Which museums or art galleries have you visited or do you intend to visit?
mr Range Maximum
For numeric questions, the maximum value permitted in the answer. For open-ended questions, the maximum number of characters permitted in the answer. For categorical questions, the maximum number of categories allowed in the answer.
mr Range Minimum
For numeric questions, the minimum value allowed in the answer. For open-ended questions, the minimum number of characters allowed in the answer. For categorical questions, the minimum number of categories allowed in the answer.
See also
Insertion character styles
Using insertion character styles
Inserting information from the questionnaire definition in a Look
Go to cross-references