Development tools : Application wizard : Creating XUI projects by using Apache Maven : Use the UDTT archetype projects
Use the UDTT archetype projects
You create new XUI projects by using the UDTT archetype projects.
For example, complete the following steps to create a new project from the archetype project: UDTT-archetype-xui-web-project.
1 From the UDTT IDE menu, select File > New > Project.
2 Select Maven > Maven Project (or Maven Module).
3 In the New Maven Project dialog, select the XUI web project archetype, which has:
Group Id: com.unicomsi.udtt
Artifact Id: UDTT-archetype-xui-web-project
4 Click Next, and complete the following fields:
Group Id: Type a group id for the new project.
Artifact Id: Type an artifact id for the new project.
Version: Type a version id for the new project (or accept the default value of 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT).
5 Add the following properties:
context-root: Context root for the new project (or accept the default value of root).
web-server-port: Port number of the web test environment, for example, the Tomcat server (or accept the default value of 9080).
license-server: Server IP and port number of the License server (default value is localhost:7498).
license-file: Path and name of the license file (default value is ...\\License\\License.BTT).
license-library: Path to the License server engine file (default value is ...\\...\\ultclientjni64.dll).
For more information about the License server, see License Server: UDTT project configuration.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
6 Click Finish.
The new XUI web project is created in your workspace. The following image shows the project structure:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
The following table details where resources are stored:
Stored in directory
Java codes (for example UDTT operation codes)
UDTT resources, such as flows, operations, and definitions
Testing codes
Web resources, such as HTML, JSP, and js resources
UDTT runtime libraries
XUI pages
Maven configuration file (pom.xml)
project root directory
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Creating XUI projects by using Apache Maven