Development tools : Web services tooling : Invoking Web services by using a manually generated UDTT operation : Creating a Web services access operation
Creating a Web services access operation
Prerequisite Before you create a Web services access operation, you must create a Web services connector. For information on creating a Web services connector, refer to Creating a Web services connector.
The Web services access operation uses the Web services connector that you created in the New Web Services Connector wizard to invoke Web services.
Creating a Web services access operation involves creating data mappings between the UDTT data model and the Web services data model. Data mappings must be created so that the Web services provider is able to receive and process data sent from the UDTT operation context.
1 Start the Generate Web Services Access Operation wizard.
If you created the Web services connector immediately before generating the Web services access operation and you selected the Always Generate UDTT Web Services Operation check box in the New Web Services Connector wizard, the Generate Web Services Access Operation wizard starts automatically.
If you did not create the Web services connector immediately before generating the Web services access operation and you cleared the Always Generate UDTT Web Services Operation check box in the New Web Services Connector wizard, do the following sub-steps to start the Generate Web Services Access Operation wizard:
Click Window > Show View > Other.
In the Show View window, expand the Bank Transformation Toolkit folder, and then click Transaction Dashboard. Click OK.
The Transaction Dashboard opens.
On the Transaction Dashboard, click the Derive that is located on the arrow between Context and Operation.
The Generate Web Services Access Operation wizard opens.
2 In the UDTT Operation field of the Select the Web Service page, select the UDTT operation that contains the data that must be mapped.
3 In the Web Service field, click Browse to select the Web service that you want to invoke.
4 From the Select an operation list in the Web service operation list area, select the Web service operation that you want to invoke, and then click Next.
5 In the Data Mapping page, select the data elements from the UDTT operation context and from the Web services data that require mapping.
From the Context list, select the data elements that must be mapped.
The data elements you select will appear in the Context area.
In the Context area, select the data element that must be mapped for the request message.
In the WS Operation area, select the Web services input parameter to which the UDTT context data element must be mapped for the request message, and then click Bind.
In the WS Operation area, select the Web services output parameter that requires mapping for the Web service output message.
In the Context area, select the data element to which you want the Web services output parameter to be bound to for the Web services output message, and then click Bind.
Repeat all the above steps 5 until you have selected all the UDTT operation context data elements and all the Web services data elements that require mapping.
6 Click the Mapping details drop-down arrow to see the data mappings that will be created.
7 Click Finish.
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Invoking Web services by using a manually generated UDTT operation