Development tools : Transaction editor : Drawing flows in the flow editor : Setting data mappings to states or transitions : Editing data formatter : Removing data mapping
Removing data mapping
This section describes how to remove data mappings from the formatter.
1 Do one of the following:
To remove one data mapping, select the data mapping in the table at the bottom of the Data Mapping window, and then click Unbind.
To remove all the data mappings that are defined for the data formatter, click Unbind All. In this case, the data formatter still exists and will be called to format data, but it will do nothing.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Use CTRL+Z to undo the previous operation, or CTRL+Y to redo it.
2 Click OK.
The data formatter is saved into the Transaction file, and can be viewed in the Format tab of the Transaction editor.
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Editing data formatter