Development tools : XUI editor : Editing an XUI page : Editing the properties of the XUI widgets : Setting ECA rules to widgets : Defining conditions for an ECA rule
Defining conditions for an ECA rule
This topic describes how to configure the conditions part of an ECA rule for widgets.
A condition must be specified for every ECA rule. A condition is the part of an ECA rule that performs a logical test that causes the actions that are defined in the "Actions if true" part of the ECA editor to be carried out if it evaluates to true. If the condition part of an ECA rule evaluates to false, the actions that are defined in the "Actions if false" part of the ECA editor are carried out. For information on how to define actions in the ECA editor for an ECA rule, see Defining actions for an ECA rule.
1 Select Condition type and define the entire Condition expression according to the selected type.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
ECA Condition has six kinds of Condition types, including No Condition, Widget Function, Widget Property and three Common Condition types (Expression, Global Function and Common ).
No Condition: execute the true action by default.
Widget Function: set the function of a widget as the logical test.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
In most situations, the widget function returns a Boolean value. The system will then call either a true or a false action according to the Boolean value.
Widget Property: set the property of a widget as the logical test.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
This condition will return a Boolean value. The system will call true or false action according to the Boolean value.
Expression: logical or relational operation defined by users.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Select one of the operators to define Expression type.
Define left and right input elements according to Expression type. Click the 'browse' button on the right. In the pop-up Expression editor, select one of the supported elements and assign the value.
Global function: common data manipulation, such as compare and concatenate provided by UDTT.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Expand the functions tree to select the Global function. You could use the search bar to find the Global function you want and use Description label to know better about the function. See Global functions for detailed information about the function.
Define each parameter. Click the 'browse' button on the right. In the pop-up Expression editor, select one of the supported elements and assign the value.
Common : common condition which has been defined by users in Condition Dictionary.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Select the Common from the List panel.
Define each parameter. Click the 'browse' button on the right. In the pop-up Expression editor, select one of the supported elements and assign the value.
2 Click 'Apply value' button to save the defined condition.
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Setting ECA rules to widgets