Development tools : XUI editor : Editing an XUI page : Editing the properties of the XUI widgets : Setting ECA rules to widgets
Setting ECA rules to widgets
Events, conditions, and actions (ECA) can be added as an ECA rule to widgets to enable actions to be invoked on an XUI page. For example, you might want to add ECA rules if you want different functions to be hidden or displayed on a page depending on the selections or the data that has been entered by a user.
You can add ECA rules to widgets by using the ECA editor, which is in the Rules tab in the Properties view of widgets in the XUI editor.
The ECA editor in the XUI editor
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Every ECA rule that you create must have a widget bound to it. If you create an ECA rule with a widget bound to it but you then delete the widget at a later date, the Delete Widget Confirmation window is displayed, as shown below, which asks whether you want to delete the widget. If you click Yes to delete the widget, you must then manually delete the ECA rule that was bound to the widget.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Adding events to an ECA rule
Defining conditions for an ECA rule
Defining actions for an ECA rule
Creating Action Groups
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Editing the properties of the XUI widgets